Wednesday, December 11, 2013

More Jobs and the Unemployment Rate Falls to 7%

At both elections the people were crying "Jobs! It's all about jobs!" Well folks, all but three months of the Obama presidency jobs have been on the rise. This administration has been doing what it set out to do. Create jobs and improve the economy. Last month's job figures just came out. 203,000 new jobs were created in November. Unemployment has fallen from 7.3 to 7%. Not bad Obama Administration.

Now detractors are going to claim "these are just McDonald's/Convenience Store jobs and jobs created as holiday temporary help." Not so say the experts. These are good, high paying jobs that are sustainable. There is one question though...after the government shut-down, were the government employees called back counted in these numbers? Too early to tell...but we should know soon.

The point is, we are headed in the right direction. Why people keep denying the facts....I don't know. I do believe that someday, and it may be in the distant future, students may get past the black/white thing and this will be known as "the great Obama recovery."

Because that's what it is. He's done the job. And sadly, once Democrats get things running smoothly again, people get comfortable and elect a Republican who screws it all up. And then the people come clamoring to Democrats to fix it again, and of course they do....and so it goes. And sadly, so it goes.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

An Inconvenient Mess

What an inconvenient mess the Affordable Healthcare Web-Site debacle has become. Any other company planning a roll-out of this magnitude would have spent months, maybe even a year, testing a rolling out the site in layers. And frankly there is no company that would ever need to roll out something on this kind of grand scale.

But this website rollout was not given that kind of time and courtesy. Why? First and foremost because of the arbitrary dates in the law. Hey, did the web designers, health care specialists, the architects of the law, and accountants ever have a meeting? Secondly, there was a strong opinion that the law was going to be stricken down by the Supreme Court and so many agencies and designers were not as aggressive as they should have been. And then when the law was not overturned, lots of people were suddenly scrambling. I witnessed that here in Michigan. This was not the fault of our Republican Governor....he was begging legislators to hurry up and get it completed. It was not, and we are behind the 8-ball. Not so, in some of the states that got serious and got the job done and have vibrant marketplace web-sites.

But a bad web-site roll-out does not equate to bad law. This is a much needed law whose time has come. We will never have a vibrant economy again, until the Affordable Health Care Act is up and (finally!) running well. Out of control health care costs are things that have been dragging our economy down and down and down. The President, and most serious economists get that. And we as an American Public demanded that the President we elected do something about the economy. How does one do that? Attack one of the biggest reasons it was tanking.

What do I mean you might ask?

Most worthwhile economists will agree that health care costs have been rising 20% higher than the rate of inflation for roughly 20 years. That is a tremendous burden on the economy, because it takes money out of our pockets to pay for health care that we could be spending on other things. This is a serious and major problem that has to be tackled by this President, the next President, or the President after that. But sooner or later, this problem has to be faced head on.  President Obama, never one to shirk his duty, jumped in.

One of the problems is, he didn't have people on TV explaining the law, he didn't send hundreds of teams out into the field to answer questions and clear up misnomers about the law, and there is a lot of confusion out there. Do you know a friend of my Dad's actually posted that Obamacare would put insurance companies out of business? She actually thinks that the government is going to be the insurance company. That is sad. And that is the Administrations fault.

Is the law perfect? Of course not. But our dysfunctional Congress, instead of negotiating to tweak the law to make it better, keep up the dog and pony show of tying up Congress' work day for one meaningless vote to repeal after another.

Another big factor is that in 1986 President Reagan signed into law one he very much favored called the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act or EMTALA.
This law states that no person can be denied health care treatment at an Emergency Room just because they don't have insurance and can't pay. But the thing is, this was totally unfunded. So basically, this is a form of socialized medicine paid for by us... in the form of high premiums, high deductibles, and huge co-pays.

So President Obama proposes that you and I stop footing the bill. He thinks that if people could afford to buy insurance of their own, it will lower the bill you and I pay. (It won't initially, but in the long run, us regular guys are gonna love this.) At first, the insurance companies will come in a little high to protect themselves because of all the confusion, but as time goes on and everything starts running smoother, they will be going after business hard and it will drive the prices down. Including the cost to you and me.

I really hope the deadlines don't have to be delayed. Why? Because then the Tea Party will keep trying to figure ways to kill a law that our nation desperately needs. But if have we to stall the deadlines by a month or two, they can only have two or three meaningless votes to repeal it in that amount of time. Maybe they can bring it up to 45 times.

And you know, they have never found time to vote on the jobs bill even once.

Go figure.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

I Still Rock On, but get it fixed, Stupey-Heads!

A bad Web-site full of glitches and needed repairs does not constitute "bad legislation", merely poor execution, and unrealistic time lines. And dog-gone it Obama Administration, would you please start sending out teams of media folk to dispel all of the misnomers about the Affordable Health Care Act? When all these goofs are the only ones talking, people believe them.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Hey all you Water Gators.....

Not to be all "conspiracy theorist" or anything, but do you suppose the FBI is covering the back end, to make sure the Healthcare Web sites are not being deliberately tampered with? Now there's a story for all you wannabe Woodwards and Bernsteins! At least check it out.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Obamacare rock on...

And to all of you goofs trying to cry..."See it doesn't work!" because the Obamacare internet sites are crashing, did it ever occur to you, it's because so many people are trying to sign on to this thing that the Republicans claim the public doesn't want that it can't handle the demand?

An old neighbor of mine just posted some ridiculous thing about how Obamacare was going to put insurance companies out of business. This is sad. She doesn't even grasp the most basic concept of the law and yet is commenting on it. The government is not an insurance coverer folks. Private insurance companies are.

My friend Larry, a year ago priced health insurance on just himself and it was over $800 a month. On just him. He recently signed onto the marketplace...(took him 36 hours to get into the site and another 12 to get into the marketplace) and after looking at plans from Aetna, and Northwest Mutual, and Mutual of Omaha etc., he purchased medical insurance for his family of four from an insurance company for $223 a month. Try and convince him Obamacare is not a good thing.

That is one more family willing to pay their own way. Before, if one of them went to the hospital (under a law signed by President Ronald Reagan, but not funded by anyone but you and me) no one can be denied care at an emergency room. That means you and I covered the tab; in our co-pays, premiums, and deductibles. Now they are willing to pay their own way and are thrilled to do it. Not right away, but eventually our insurance costs will fall. My brother's monthly has already dropped $100.

Any economist worth his salt will tell you that medical costs have risen 20% more than the rate of inflation for over 20 years. Our economy is being dragged down by this astounding burden. Folks, whether you like it or not this President, or the next one after that, was going to have to tackle health care if we are ever to have a strong economy again. Well, Barrack Obama sees the big picture and was not afraid of the task at hand. I applaud him for that. And I am sure history will show that he was a man of vision and courage.

But still for me it's hard to watch him take the subliminal jeers from Congress that Jackie Robinson took in Ebbets Field.

The Silly Games People Play

Well, once again the handful of Tea Party Extremists tried to hold our country hostage and demand a ransom. I guess they feel blackmail is the way good government works. They took us right to the brink of economic catastrophe, before cooler heads prevailed. Once again this radical fringe wanted to take control of the government and derail Obamacare. Even though it's a passed law and the Supreme Court, a court spear-headed by a champion of Conservatism, has ruled that it is a valid law.

The last time I can think of a small group of radicals taking a hold of a government like this was...hmmm....I guess 1930's Germany.

A few days into the fiasco and the public was clearly, and rightfully, blaming the Republicans the rhetoric started to change. It was no longer just about Obamacare it was their same old sad song and dance....too much spending. Too late. The Republican Party was polling the lowest they have ever polled in the history of Gallup polls!

But radical Tea Baggers still drone on and on about how Obamacare with drag the economy down, is already having a negative effect on the economy....and continuous rantings based on some made up figures not supported anywhere but in their minds.

The Congressional Budget Office, who make their living off of judging these things, say that none of that, thus far, seems to be true, and not only that, but not in the range of the next ten years. Let's see.....radical Tea Party wing-nuts...the CBO....radical Tea Party crazies....the CBO....nope, I gotta go with the Congressional Budget Office on this one.

If you're interested on the world picture on this ridiculous fiasco check out the foreign news coverage. (Even though they have no interest in this other than objective reporting, the Tea Baggers will cry "liberal media" which is what they yell at all reporting that doesn't support their beliefs). The rest of the world looked on in  horrified disbelief.

But here's the bottom line Tea Bags, if Obamacare is so frickin' bad, why don't you just let it play out? Let it go. It will fall on it's face, Obama will look like a fool, and you'll clean up in the mid-term elections next fall. And then you'll run everything. Why don't you do that? Oh this little stunt you just pulled, I guess you made it all too clear.

You have just told me that you are indeed afraid of Obamacare. You are afraid it will work. You are afraid that as the public grasps the truth about it, that the President will actually look good. And really Tea Baggers, you don't want a black guy being successful, do you? Naw, not you open minded folks....

So keep pulling these stunts every time it's time to raise the debt ceiling. The thing that President Reagan did 17 times. The thing that George W. Bush did 9 times. It never made a headline then. But oh yeah, they were white. What was I thinking?

Tea Party folks, why the Republican Party ever let you wing-nuts jump on to their coat-tails and credibility I'll never know. And now they seem to be willing to sit by and watch you cut their throats. What silly games you play.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

While We're On the Subject of Obamacare...

My friend Larry got a quote last year on insurance just on himself. It ran over $800 a month.

He just went to the national marketplace, and bought a plan for him and his family of four for $223.00 a month.

It took him 36 hours to get on the site, and another 12 to get to the marketplace.

Repubs, if you think the public doesn't want this...go back to your planet, because here, we seem to want it.

Want to know who you never hear the Repubs talking about? The folks in Massachusetts. They apparently love the insurance they have there designed by Mitt Romney. And hey Conservatives! Want to know one big difference? Romney's plan pays for an abortion and Obama's doesn't! Why isn't FOX news doing a story on that?

But still and all, folks, you have until the end of March. It all didn't have to happen in one day. I know everyone without insurance is eager to get it, but be patient. It will just take longer if the system keeps crashing.

Is Obamacare perfect? Probably not. Does it need tweaking? Probably. But have the Repubs introduced legislation to tweak the bill? No. To overturn? Over 40 times. The Jobs bill has not been voted on. Not once, by the way. Boehner won't let it on the floor.

Stand tough Mr. President. It's what this country elected you to do. Let the Tea Baggers take the Repubs on a "crash and burn." It's a darn shame though, but it's apparently how Boehner wants it.

Hey, Wait....wasn't this about defunding Obamacare?

The Repubs took a stand this week declaring they would let the government shutdown to force a defunding of Obamacare. A week passes...into two the discussion has turned into being about spending cuts. Again? Last time the administration agreed to a $10 spending cut for every dollar appropriated and the Repubs, and Tea Baggers in particular, turned their nose up at it. They don't give a damn about spending cuts, but it makes a nice headline. Hey Boehner, this crack in the dam can't be smoothed over with "spending cuts" rhetoric. That hasn't happened for a while now folks.

Tonight top Repubs met with the President and they offered a 6 week extension, and he is apparently agreeable. He's in the driver's seat. Sure he'll agree. If he doesn't, the default becomes his fault. So he does, and holds fast on his position. I sure hope so, and the majority of Americans who re-elected him hope so too. Six weeks from now....getting close to Christmas, while President Obama is lighting the National Christmas Tree, the Repubs can threaten to default again if they like.

They can also keep the Government shut down too if they like. I feel bad for the people planning a vacation to DC in the next few months, but if they voted Repub, then they got what they voted for. Let's keep this sucker shut down Repubs! You're getting all kinds of great press for denying death benefits for fallen soldiers, and WWII vets having to force their way into National monuments. In fact Republicans have now fallen in the polls the deepest since Gallup has been taking polls!

Let's ride this sucker into next year, and maybe the Dems will kick your ass in the mid-terms. Thanks for making it easy. That's all I can say. Kick out the tea baggers now, while you still can!

The last time a small group of radicals tried to take over the government and hold the rest hostage occurred in Germany in the early 30's. We will not let it happen again.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Only a Gracious President Would Ask For Other Opinions.

President Obama was recently considering military strike action in Syria after the Syrian regime used chemical weapons against a hundred helpless men, women, and children. We had, after all, indicated time after time that this sort of thing would not be tolerated by America or the rest of the civilized world. Why just a false rumor about these sort of weapons drove us into Iraq and a 1.3 Trillion dollar debt, not to mention the thousands of our best a brightest spilling blood in that hellish desert.

The military and the President were considering surgical drone and air strikes to wreak havoc with the traditional Government's military and perhaps give the insurgents an leg up on what's happening there. No American boot would ever hit the soil. The President was ready, was close to pushing a plan through, and then.....what happened?

Well, of course the Republicans happened. Ever eager to second-guess and challenge the President on every move, and in an attempt to foil any effort he might undertake to do the right thing and look good for doing it in the end. John Boughner started declaring that Congress should be consulted before any military action could be taken. Really? Since when? Since a black man held the White House?

Military action has been routinely exercised by Presidents since time began and seldom has it raised an eyebrow. But of course they were white. But I digress. Anybody remember Reagan in Grenada? Clinton in Kosovo? Reagan in Panama, and that Fighter plane shoot-down in Libya? And there are others especially the Queen Mother of them all, Truman in Korea. Of course war was never declared in VietNam either, but I can't remember and am too lazy to look it up and see if Congress was consulted over that little skirmish in Southeast Asia that took 54,000 American lives.

I can't decide if Obama is turning to the Congress so that he can lay it at their feet and later (if it happens again) be able to say to them "I wanted to take action, but you didn't want to." Perhaps he will listen to a bill of goods the war weary American people have been sold - that we just can't afford to stand up for what's right anymore.

Not to say that the other side doesn't have legitimate questions. They do. Senator McCain asks "What is the end game?" That's fair. Spell it out Mr. President. What are we talking about here? A one-time thing? Will two strikes make enough of a statement? What exactly are we talking about here? Those are totally legitimate questions and should be answered before anybody could weigh in with an intelligent opinion. Whether they be a member of Congress or John Q. Public. The President has scheduled a national address on Tuesday night, presumably to do just that.

And there is a question about the intelligence we have concerning the chemical weapons used. Certainly the President has the best intelligence our agencies can provide and there are things about it that you and I will never know. But Mr. President, make sure the intelligence is good and share it then with the key players in Congress so that they can spread the word.

But in the end, Congress and the American People may say no. And then Mr. President, as you sit in the Oval Office late at night with the lights low, and you sit with only your own wisdom and knowledge and gut instincts that tell you to do the right thing (and I don't know what that is), are you up to the task? If you decide to go it alone, are you willing to take the jeers from the stands Jackie Robinson? Are you ready to be, what John Kennedy would earlier call a "Profile in Courage?"

Whatever the outcome, I don't envy you Mr. President. But then again, you asked for the most horrible job in the world.

Thursday, June 20, 2013


Now we find out "Progessive groups" were also picked on by the IRS, but this didn't make the mainstream media as much. So my FOX News friends are rejoicing....

Saturday, May 18, 2013

The IRS Scandal

The IRS have apparently been up to their old evil tricks again. Back in the Nixon era, the inmates running the asylum targeted people considered enemies of Nixon. And now these idiots are back trying to harass people they may not philosophically agree with. The IRS have been systematically focusing extra efforts scrutinizing any groups with extreme right-wing ideologies. Or so the head of the agency announced to Congressional Committees. The report was sent out in emails in February.

The President is outraged. He should be. Congress is outraged. They should be. John Boughner is outraged. He should be. We all should be. The IRS are the most evil wicked pieces of filth in the American political system.

Hey, because they were picking on groups I don't agree with doesn't matter. The IRS are scum and I don't trust any of them. Just remember friends, if they can do this to the right wing zealots today, they will do it to us clear thinking, level headed wonderful people tomorrow.

It is high time to take a real look at dismantling this disgusting agency.

Friday, May 10, 2013

The Prophecy and the Politics

After the last Presidential election I was looking at a post made by the charming and lovable Bill Murgan. On this particular Facebook post his right wing sister was ranting on about how with Obama being re-elected meant the end of Western Civilization or some such thing, and I posted after her. I told her not to fret. Things will swing the other way again (in the very small area of moderate). I told her "The Repubs will talk Chris Christie into getting a gastric by-pass, he'll be slim and trim by election 2016, and he'll beat Hillary Clinton by a nose." This is a prediction I had been throwing around quite a bit amongst my friends, and any of the very angry people all around me at work who would listen. Bill's sister replied something to the effect of "You don't have to be snide" (that's a paraphrase), and I assured her I wasn't trying to be funny. I told her I was dead serious. 

The other morning when it was announced that Chris Christie had gotten stomach weight loss surgery, my wife woke me up in disbelief. She said it was creepy how it was happening like I said it would. I spoke to Bill that day, and he remembered my prediction too. I even reminded Bill's sister and all she could say was that she only hoped the rest of my prediction would come true. 

I saw this one coming from a million miles away. The Party knew they had a potential winner on their hands, but they knew a fat guy will not get elected in this Entertainment-Tonight-shallow-glamor-glitz world we live in. Now understand, even though this prediction is beginning to play out, there are a zillion (well maybe not a zillion, but many) variables that could arise to change the whole election landscape. The Dems might not run Hillary. Another Dem could dynamically charge out of the wilderness ala Barrack Obama. The right wing extremists of the Republican Party might put on enough pressure to push Jeb Bush into the spotlight. (Gosh I hope not.) But if the rest of my prediction does play out, I can live with Chris Christie. He is a moderate Republican and he can be reasonable and open to compromise.  I would never vote for him, but I could easily see a slim President Christie winning over a majority of the American Public.

As for the Politics part of this post, let's talk about the President's stance on gun legislation. Most right wingers will not understand the rest of this post so you may as well go catch the next episode of "Duck Dynasty". 

The President is pro Second Amendment. He is. But he has to react. He represents everybody, and that includes shooting victims. As I predicted, this too is all smoke and mirrors. So far, assault weapons are off the table, large clips are off the table, and about the only thing left is more extensive background checks. I will never understand how after the Newtown shootings when the President said that we should more vigorously enforce existing laws and have better background checks, the right started crying "He wants to take our guns!" But what he is saying now is much more clever than that. This is where it gets tricky. The President (and the First Lady) keep saying "This deserves a vote." "Contact your Congressmen and let them know this deserves a vote." But the deal is, President Obama knows that it will never pass a vote. He knows it. But for him, it's win-win. He showed the anti-gun people he wanted a vote, and then can blame the Repubs when it fails. This is politics at it's finest. These subtle nuances are a thing of beauty and a wonder to behold.

And in the end nothing will change, and politics roll along as usual.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Now Is The Time Republicans to Ask the Tea Baggers to Leave

It is growing ever more apparent that it is time for the mainstream Republican Party to grow a pair and ask the right wing fanatics that joined the GOP for no reason other than to ride the coat-tails of credibility, to...well...exit. The Republican leaders are at the perfect junction to tell these folks to hit the bricks without losing much at the polls. In fact, it would undoubtedly be to the GOP's benefit three plus years from now.

I can't remember exactly when it was that any right wing flaky fanatical wing nut could label him/her self a Republican and put themselves on a ballot as being legitimate, but it happened. The Republican leadership allowed these folks to jump on the bandwagon, but it rapidly became apparent that might not have been the best course of action. They wanted a win more than they wanted to worry about who the winners were. And now that selfish choice is coming back to haunt them.

According to Tim Dickinson's insightful article in the March 28, 2013 Rolling Stone, although the GOP is trying hard to market themselves as "colorblind", and not "anti-government", the truth is becoming painfully more apparent, and in my opinion it is being primarily fueled by the right-wing fringe of the Party. Some Repubs are rethinking gay marriage, and some are even talking friendlier about immigration. But don't be fooled. These Tea Party nuts will never leave their perceived reactionary safety net.

I soon will write an open letter to John Boeghner begging him to dredge up some intestinal fortitude and kick these Tea Party bastards out into the street. It is early in the cycle and now is the time. All the initial hysteria will be gone from the fickle American public's mind by the 2014 elections, and most certainly in 2016. Let the Tea Party form their own party. It will be the joke of everyone.

The Republican Party has been held hostage long enough. The thing that gave the Tea Party any leverage at all is the GOP belief that if the Tea Party were to go solo, they would steal votes from the GOP thereby ensuring Democratic victories. If they move now that won't be true. The real Republicans have never bought into this dog and pony show. Let there be all the headlines and flurry of news activity. In two weeks the Tea Party will have the credibility legs of Pat Paulsen's Stag Party.

More to follow.........

Monday, April 8, 2013

I Predicted This to Friends...

As I predicted to friends after all the talk about gun control fired up after Newtown, it will be a dog and pony show for awhile, and then everything will pretty much go back to normal.

Whatever normal in this crazy world is.

So far, banning any assault weapons is off the table, banning high capacity clips is off the table, and extended background checks have developed a serious cough. This is a good thing. These would have all disgusted our Founding Fathers, who, for all their faults, were brilliant guys in my estimation.

The President, who I love, is slightly misguided in his attempts to be the President of everybody all the time. I applaud his efforts, but he recently made a statement about the rise in poll numbers of people who fear the government. He made a statement - "The government is us. We elect these people." With all due respect, not necessarily Mr. President. I did not elect one single police officer in my town. I didn't get to elect the city manager who hired all the "public safety" officers. I didn't elect any of the folks in our military. These are the folks our Founding Fathers wanted us to be willing and ABLE to take on.

I strongly believe our Founding Fathers of course could not envision where the technology of weaponry would take us, but wherever it goes, they expected us, as good citizens, to keep up.

We should never, ever, ever settle for less than what the cops have. Ever.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Let's Talk About Guns.

I really want a Corvette. I have really wanted one ever since I can remember. I know there are people out there who would think "Why does anyone need a car like that?" Or "Nobody needs a car that goes that fast." Or even "Someone could steal and lose control of a car like that and hit a bus and kill 20 kids." True. But still. I am a law abiding citizen, and I really want one.

After the horrible atrocity that occurred in Newtown Connecticut in our recent past, I was sure "gun control" would come front and center, and in very short fashion. And it has.

Why is it, I ask, that the guys who were smart enough to write the Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, - the Articles, suddenly became brain-dead when it came to the Amendment that they all found so important (only after Freedom of Speech, Religion etc.) to make it the SECOND Amendment? Why were they so totally off the mark on this?

It always amazes me that most of the public would have an absolute fit if we tried to alter or abridge the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 13th, or 20th Amendment, but don't have any problem at all with destroying or at least dismantling the 2nd Amendment. Here's a question; If we don't have any weapons, how are we supposed to organize and arm a militia? And who pray tell do we think we will be organizing this militia against? Squirrels? Deer? No, dear readers, the cops. The military. That's who our Founding Fathers wanted us to be ready to take on. Please, let me refer you to The Battle of Athens (Tennessee 1946). I don't think the Founding Fathers cared how advanced the technology became, I believe they expected us, as good citizens, to keep up. When the cops and the military give up 30 round clips, we will too.

I teach a class on cognitive restructuring to prisoners called "Thinking For A Change". In it, the main thrust of the class is to make them understand that whenever they make a decision based on emotion, it is always, always, always the wrong one. And now that's what Congress and the Country is doing. They are making decisions based on emotion. And guess what? These decisions are the wrong ones.

The big problem with gun control legislation is that it only affects law-abiding citizens. See, not to be condescending, but criminals don't obey the law. That's why they are criminals. So only criminals will have assault rifles. Except not. Because there are already hundreds of thousands of them out there, and the mere talk of this kind of legislation has fueled the sale of hundreds of thousands more. I work with people that didn't have any a month ago, but now own two.

The school in Newtown CT was "gun free zone." Essentially there was already a gun law in affect there. But the criminal didn't obey the law. The law-abiding citizens in there did and were helpless. And ever notice that well over half the time these whack-jobs pick spots where they are relatively certain they won't meet any armed resistance? Shopping Malls, theaters, schools, and Churches, all seem to be favorite spots for the wing-nuts. Because they like the fact that they can shoot and they don't have to worry about return fire. In Michigan there are many places where licensed concealed weapons carriers cannot carry.

What about more background checks? Why? And what will that prove? With the possible exception of the Gabby Gifford shooter and the Colorado Theater shooter, most of these wing-nuts would easily pass a background check. The military base shooter was a Psychologist for crying out loud.

Limiting clip size is another case of legislators who don't understand basic weaponry passing laws about it. Like with any clip, one just takes two of them and duct tapes them together. With practice and adeptness one can smoothly reverse the clip in under a second. For that matter, most experienced shooters can change to a new clip in a little over a second. Furthermore, what legislators might want to consider is that by eliminating assault rifles they may be making things a bit more dangerous. If these kooks can't get an assault rifle and opt for a shotgun, God help up all. Many people are under the impression that assault rifles are the most deadly thing out there. Not even close. If the shooter in Newtown would have taken the right shotgun with double-aught buckshot, there would have been no survivors at all in that school. He might've taken out every living soul on the entire block.

So maybe having people in the school armed is not such a bad idea. I don't mean teachers should be in front of the class with a side arm on. But how about a built in reinforced lock box in a drawer of their desk? This could be on a volunteer basis, and the key could be kept on their person at all times. In the event they hear shooting, and pandemonium outside of their class room, they may be able to save some children. They would be properly trained and would have to take the weapon home each night.

People often say "Is that the kind of America you want to live in? Where teachers, administrators and others have weapons?" My answer is no. I want it to be Mayberry everywhere. But sadly, it isn't. Life isn't what we wish it was. There are always going to be crazy people. But because there are, the rest of the entire population shouldn't be punished or denied rights.

And just as aggravating are the right-wingers that hear the President say he may issue an executive order that calls for more vigorous enforcement of existing laws and then they start screaming "He wants to take our guns!" Where does that come from? Ironically, the President is a proponent of the Second Amendment according to one of his Harvard professors. By Executive Order he can call for the more vigorous enforcement, and he can call for more sophisticated background checks. Big deal. But as far as banning assault weapons or clip size, that will have to go through the House of Representatives aka the Republican Party. Let's see how that they vote for it and then spin it back on the President.

I think it's time to buy a gun. And by the way the new corvette can attain speeds to 190 miles per hour. Nobody needs to go that fast. But I want one. I may want to hurry down to Tennessee to learn more about The Battle of Athens. Maybe you should too.

Sunday, January 20, 2013


Whenever I see one of the two or three black reporters FOX News have managed to dredge up, I think of the Samuel L. Jackson character in "Django Unchained."

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Leap of Faith - But Not the Public Faith

"Hold on" said Thelma to Louise as they went over. "Where is that Ripcord, again?" thought Evel Knevel as he was airborne over the Snake River Canyon. My wife puts on a grin when she's at the top of The Dragster at Cedar Point, about to plummet 420 feet at a 90˚ angle at speeds of up to 120 miles an hour. But supposedly, the Republicans are more daring than any of that.

Why are they more daring? Because of their willingness to go over the fiscal cliff - that is, allowing an end to the tax breaks and spending cuts - they are risking more than anyone. And that isn't just me thinking that they are going to be the villains here. It's most Americans.

"Democrats are in a strong position with the public" declares yesterday's Pew Research Center report. The new national poll released yesterday revealed some interesting things. Among them that the public views President Obama making the most serious effort to avoid the fiscal cliff - at 55%. How many think Republican leaders are making a serious effort? 32%. Are any alarms going off yet Repubs?

President Obama's first post reelection job approval rating has risen to 55%, up 5 points since July and 11 points since the start of the year. Obama's job rating is quite a bit higher than President George W. Bush's first job measure after he "won" reelection in 2004. (48%)

53% to 33% of the public sees the Republican Party, rather than the Democrats, as "more extreme in it's positions." Ah, and those Tea Baggers still think they are so damn smart.

Democrats are seen as "more willing to work with leaders of the other party" by roughly a 2 to 1 margin (53% to 27%)

This kind of reminds me of the polls Pew did for The Washington Post in November and in early December. 53% said the Republicans would be more to blame than the Democrats, and a mere 27% said the Democrats were more to blame for going over the Fiscal Cliff and the impending economic repercussions.

It would seem that the Tea Baggers and the other Republican extremists still don't get it.  They are not the heroes they think they are. The people see through the political nonsense. They are dragging the Republican party deeper into the muck. It's the Republicans fault because they don't have the intestinal fortitude to kick the pitiful dummies out onto the street. They are not "visionaries". They don't have the gumption to form their own party, so they just leech off another. It's obvious that they don't watch polls and realize they (the Republicans) are coming off as the villains.

I know, I know. They will come up with their usual tired lying excuses. "Pew Research Center is part of the liberal media." ("Liberal media" is anyone who doesn't agree whole-heartedly with them.) What else do you pitiful excuses for human beings have?

Keep it up. Please keep it up. If you want to keep losing, stay on course!