Saturday, May 18, 2013

The IRS Scandal

The IRS have apparently been up to their old evil tricks again. Back in the Nixon era, the inmates running the asylum targeted people considered enemies of Nixon. And now these idiots are back trying to harass people they may not philosophically agree with. The IRS have been systematically focusing extra efforts scrutinizing any groups with extreme right-wing ideologies. Or so the head of the agency announced to Congressional Committees. The report was sent out in emails in February.

The President is outraged. He should be. Congress is outraged. They should be. John Boughner is outraged. He should be. We all should be. The IRS are the most evil wicked pieces of filth in the American political system.

Hey, because they were picking on groups I don't agree with doesn't matter. The IRS are scum and I don't trust any of them. Just remember friends, if they can do this to the right wing zealots today, they will do it to us clear thinking, level headed wonderful people tomorrow.

It is high time to take a real look at dismantling this disgusting agency.

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