Well, once again the handful of Tea Party Extremists tried to hold our country hostage and demand a ransom. I guess they feel blackmail is the way good government works. They took us right to the brink of economic catastrophe, before cooler heads prevailed. Once again this radical fringe wanted to take control of the government and derail Obamacare. Even though it's a passed law and the Supreme Court, a court spear-headed by a champion of Conservatism, has ruled that it is a valid law.
The last time I can think of a small group of radicals taking a hold of a government like this was...hmmm....I guess 1930's Germany.
A few days into the fiasco and the public was clearly, and rightfully, blaming the Republicans the rhetoric started to change. It was no longer just about Obamacare it was their same old sad song and dance....too much spending. Too late. The Republican Party was polling the lowest they have ever polled in the history of Gallup polls!
But radical Tea Baggers still drone on and on about how Obamacare with drag the economy down, is already having a negative effect on the economy....and continuous rantings based on some made up figures not supported anywhere but in their minds.
The Congressional Budget Office, who make their living off of judging these things, say that none of that, thus far, seems to be true, and not only that, but not in the range of the next ten years. Let's see.....radical Tea Party wing-nuts...the CBO....radical Tea Party crazies....the CBO....nope, I gotta go with the Congressional Budget Office on this one.
If you're interested on the world picture on this ridiculous fiasco check out the foreign news coverage. (Even though they have no interest in this other than objective reporting, the Tea Baggers will cry "liberal media" which is what they yell at all reporting that doesn't support their beliefs). The rest of the world looked on in horrified disbelief.
But here's the bottom line Tea Bags, if Obamacare is so frickin' bad, why don't you just let it play out? Let it go. It will fall on it's face, Obama will look like a fool, and you'll clean up in the mid-term elections next fall. And then you'll run everything. Why don't you do that? Oh wait...by this little stunt you just pulled, I guess you made it all too clear.
You have just told me that you are indeed afraid of Obamacare. You are afraid it will work. You are afraid that as the public grasps the truth about it, that the President will actually look good. And really Tea Baggers, you don't want a black guy being successful, do you? Naw, not you open minded folks....
So keep pulling these stunts every time it's time to raise the debt ceiling. The thing that President Reagan did 17 times. The thing that George W. Bush did 9 times. It never made a headline then. But oh yeah, they were white. What was I thinking?
Tea Party folks, why the Republican Party ever let you wing-nuts jump on to their coat-tails and credibility I'll never know. And now they seem to be willing to sit by and watch you cut their throats. What silly games you play.
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