And to all of you goofs trying to cry..."See it doesn't work!" because the Obamacare internet sites are crashing, did it ever occur to you, it's because so many people are trying to sign on to this thing that the Republicans claim the public doesn't want that it can't handle the demand?
An old neighbor of mine just posted some ridiculous thing about how Obamacare was going to put insurance companies out of business. This is sad. She doesn't even grasp the most basic concept of the law and yet is commenting on it. The government is not an insurance coverer folks. Private insurance companies are.
My friend Larry, a year ago priced health insurance on just himself and it was over $800 a month. On just him. He recently signed onto the marketplace...(took him 36 hours to get into the site and another 12 to get into the marketplace) and after looking at plans from Aetna, and Northwest Mutual, and Mutual of Omaha etc., he purchased medical insurance for his family of four from an insurance company for $223 a month. Try and convince him Obamacare is not a good thing.
That is one more family willing to pay their own way. Before, if one of them went to the hospital (under a law signed by President Ronald Reagan, but not funded by anyone but you and me) no one can be denied care at an emergency room. That means you and I covered the tab; in our co-pays, premiums, and deductibles. Now they are willing to pay their own way and are thrilled to do it. Not right away, but eventually our insurance costs will fall. My brother's monthly has already dropped $100.
Any economist worth his salt will tell you that medical costs have risen 20% more than the rate of inflation for over 20 years. Our economy is being dragged down by this astounding burden. Folks, whether you like it or not this President, or the next one after that, was going to have to tackle health care if we are ever to have a strong economy again. Well, Barrack Obama sees the big picture and was not afraid of the task at hand. I applaud him for that. And I am sure history will show that he was a man of vision and courage.
But still for me it's hard to watch him take the subliminal jeers from Congress that Jackie Robinson took in Ebbets Field.
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