To all the lame Republicans that are still trying to run on and spew "I'll repeal Obamacare", um, that ship has sailed. The Detroit News reported last week (November 14, 2014) that the choices for health care plans in Michigan will double in 2015. Double. That means prices will fall. Insurance companies will get more competitive. This thing is going to work. Like it or not Republicans.
I know the Republican mantra is "Repeal and Replace." Ever wonder what the replacement is? It's a health care law written by HMO's and Pharmaceutical companies. Do you honestly think they have our best interests at heart?
You know when President FDRoosevelt supported Social Security he was called all the things that President Obama has been called for the Affordable Health Care Act. This only supports the fact that he's right. Fortunately for Roosevelt, he didn't have to contend with the internet and unreasonable deadlines to ensure the software would work correctly.
Are you Republicans really ready to pull insurance plans out from under 8 million Americans?
My friend Larry a couple years ago priced health insurance on just himself. It was over $800 a month on just him. He now insures his family of four for $232 a month.
The people that claim this it socialism were the same kind of folks that said the same thing about Social Security. By the way, these folks also count on our socialist Police Departments, our socialist Fire Departments, the socialist Public Library, the social roads they drive on, the socialist Military that protects them, and the socialist Public Schools that educate their children.
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