Saturday, November 15, 2014

Come and listen to my story about a man named Jeb.....

Jeb Bush is toying with the idea of running for the Presidency. Bad news for the Dems, because Jeb Bush is the only viable candidate the Repubs have. As a matter of fact it was said for years the George H.W. Bush envisioned Jeb being the son that might be able to get there, not George. Mrs. Barbara Bush on the other hand does not want him to run stating "There have been enough Bushes in the White House."

But herein lies the rub: Jeb Bush is a moderate Republican. The whacked out right will hate him for not being radical enough, and they undoubtedly won't get behind him. If he sells out his principles and succumbs to the radical right pressure the way that John McCain did, he won't be electable. But if he tells the radical right to go to blazes, he could actually be electable. And a reasonable moderate Republican is not my first choice, but we can live with it if we have to. The Ted Cruz's and Ron Paul's will never understand that the general American public is a lot smarter than they are. We won't elect one of their crazies. Not now, not ever.

I can see the Dems owning the White House for 20 years. Or at least until the Tea Party takes a hike. I've said it before. Repubs, you can have the Tea Party, or you can have the White House, but you can't have both. But a moderate Repub, might sway enough voters away from a woman.

Buy the way, affirming my view that being a past President is a greater fraternity than being a Beatle, last week George W. Bush referred to Bill Clinton as "My brother from another mother." I don't suppose there's any way that that brother could run for President in 2016?

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