I don't think I ever remember an election where the election results were so devastating to so many people. On Wednesday morning last, there were many, many people that were not only disappointed, as people have been in the past, but angry, hostile, predicting doomsday, and not taking the results well. Many were very alarmed, some were dazed, and many were scratching their heads asking "What happened"?
My boss Bill, who is a wonderful guy, has committed himself to the resistance. His Facebook post declared something to the affect of under ever tyranny there is formed a resistance. The Republican Propaganda machine FOX News didn't do well either. When FOX itself declared Ohio in the Obama column and therefore Obama the winner, the anchor woman left her seat stomped down the hall into the office of the predictors and demanded how they drew their conclusions. Meanwhile back at the desk, Karl Rove was still whining that it was too early to tell. Sorry KR, you ain't pulling that old trick of 2000 this time.
Somewhere in the area of 30 states have had petitions introduced to somebody to secede from the union. That is anger and disappointment. This time I say let them go.
I often wonder if all these people would spend half as much energy just trying to support the President as they do hating on him, this country would be in great shape. If they would spend time working to tweak the Affordable Health Care Act and maybe make it better, we could have excellent health care for all in this nation.
Here's my perception as it has shaped in the last week. I began thinking of it when I noticed that many officers where I work (I work in a prison) refuse to speak with me, and some even turned their heads away. My boss came into my work area on Wednesday morning and he appeared angry. He knows I'm a democrat, and he looked at me with disdain. It seems it's all my fault. He was only given one vote, and apparently I was given 303 electoral votes.
I hope that someday the light will go on for all of the people I work with and they will have a moment of clarity. I hope they will realize that most people think like me. They will maybe someday understand that they are the "radical fringe".
Here's what I think. I think that they all get so caught up in their FOX News/Rush Limbaugh/Sean Hannity world that they actually believe that crap is true. My boss honestly believes that what Rush says is true. He has no idea that Rush makes up his hate for Obama on the spot, backed with no facts. I love the fact that the truth is on my side.
But I am concerned about how hard the opposition is taking their loss. They all had all kinds of things planned to say to me, but instead they were forced to listen to my silence. Get over it already. As my Dad posted on Facebook "If you bet on the wrong horse, get over it. Move on." Exactly. But instead nut-jobs like Donald Trump called for Revolution, and many celebrities tweeted messages of utter despair. Former SNL player Victoria Jackson tweeted "I can't stop crying. America died." Where were you Victoria when George W. raised the debt ceiling 7 times in his eight years, ran us into a confusing and expensive un-neccessary war, lost us the respect of the world, and left us with a 482 billion dollar deficit? Oh that's right Twitter wasn't that popular then.
The thing that bothers me the most is that these folks honestly believe that most Americans feel the way that they do. And yet we don't. They think that taking the richest 1% back to normal rates is somehow "redistribution of wealth." And I will never understand how hard they defend the people who look at them with the most disdain.
Let's get over it already red America. Don't be angry because you were duped into believing that the Repubs stone-walling the President meant he was do nothing. You bought into the idea that Obama was a big spender, although he has the slowest rate of spending growth since Eisenhower. Reagan increased the debt 189%. Obama? 16%. Deal with it.
Enough said.
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