Friday, October 12, 2012

The Average Joe

So after Joe Biden bit Paul Ryan's ass last night, it seems the Repubs want to cry foul. Apparently Joe interrupted. Apparently Joe might've been off on some of his facts. Wow.

In the first Presidential debate Governor Romney broke every rule of debate, interrupting, speaking out of turn, often taking that last word when it wasn't his to take. And he told 27 lies in 35 minutes, even disavowing the economic plan he's campaigned on for 15 months.

Biden was accused of laughing too much. Folks, the crap that falls out of young wing-nut Ryan's mouth is so naive, untrue, back peddling, outrageous....yeah, sometimes it's funny. Ryan was disavowing the stimulus money and Biden pointed out that Ryan had begged for his share citing that it would create jobs and stimulate growth.

If one single thing is costing Romney this election, it's Paul Ryan.

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