The Republican Party is in a tough position. They have every kook in the nation signing on and claiming to be Republican and therefore giving their kooky ideas the Republican stamp of approval. The Republicans are being held hostage. They totally understand that these crazy right wing goof balls have them by the throat. They would love to just throw them out. That might return some sanity to Washington. But they can't because they know the crazies (who don't have the balls....I mean "intestinal fortitude" to form their own party) if they did indeed form their own coalition, would take votes away from traditional (sane at least) Republicans.
The Tea Baggers, as they have lately been known, are the epitome of "a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing." They knew just enough to get elected - even though many are not college graduates and more than a few have criminal records - and now are dictating dangerous policy that even Boughner and Martin Milner....I mean Mitch McConnell are helpless to usurp.
The Tea Bag numbskulls negotiated a crazy deal a while back that would allow the debt ceiling to be raised. They would agree, only if it called for unprecedented cuts in spending. Even though this meant cuts in defense. They were all for it. Now... they want to blame their recklessness on the President.
Folks, our military is more powerful than the next 26 biggest countries combined. And 25 of them are our allies. Seriously, how many more tons of TNT for every man, woman, and child on the planet do we need?
So what is the Republican Party to do? They have shut down Congress for 4 years because of their blatant racism, but once The President wins his second term, are they still going to keep Congress closed?
By the way Reagan raised the debt ceiling 17 times. George W. Bush? 7 times.
Just sayin'........
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