I cannot believe where this craziness had led us.
The people of Flint Michigan were appointed an Emergency Manager by Governor Rick Snyder. Soon they began taking making major shortcuts to getting the budget to add up. One was to get off the Detroit water supply and go to a temporary system of getting water from the Flint river until the system from Lake Huron was viable.
History now shows this was all about money and not about people and their health. With rushed decisions and no fact checking, they made the switch to save a few bucks. And chemicals in the water reacted with the old pipes and the lead content became so high that it was dangerous. But people drank it before they knew it was dangerous. And they gave it to their children, unwittingly subjecting their children to potential learning disabilities, and other potential harmful effects.
But before the switch was made, there were people warning the Snyder administration that this was a disastrous move and could prove to be very harmful. Once the courts forced Governor Snyder and the rest of his administration to release their emails, it became apparent that he demonstrated a cavalier arrogant disregard for the people of Flint.
And when there was a primary in Michigan and Democrats cried "This wouldn't have happened in an affluent white community like Grosse Pointe. It would have been fixed in hours." And they weren't wrong and we all know it.
And still to this day "Tricky Ricky" has not insisted that they immediately switch back to the Detroit Water system until the Lake Huron plan is ready to go. No he remains dumbified.
Many, Many groups are calling for the Governor's resignation. But Repubs often get so full of themselves that they can't understand this concept. And I'm not sure I want that either. Brian Calley? Sheesh. What a loser one-two punch.
But as time goes on, it becomes more apparent that Snyder should resign. But of course he won't. Because he knows in a couple weeks we'll be focused on the next big thing and have forgotten all about this.
This just in. Concrete evidence that Snyder was warned before the Flint water switch over that this was going to be a disaster. And it was ignored.
This is going to cost the tax payers so much more than the savings from the temporary switch over, it's incredibly laughable. This will cost us millions, maybe even billions before it's over.
Today, March 30, 2016, Forbes released a list of the Top Worst Elected Officials. Guess who was on the top of the list. Hey, when everything is running smoothly and you're screwing over state employees so you can give your fat cat buddies big bonuses, life is good. But when you actually have to take the throttle and lead, Mr. Snyder you fall flat on your arrogant face.
Time to go, Tricky Ricky.
And I am not a Brian Calley fan.
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