Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Apple vs. the FBI

Okay, even though it seems this is easy on the surface, this is a a complex issue. The FBI has asked Apple to help them get into the iPhone of Syed Farook, one of the San Bernadine Shooters. You know the FBI wants the info on the phone to see who he's been in contact with, what sites he visits and is influenced by and on and on. Fair enough. It could be helpful, but then again, it could be totally useless.

But one thing that eases my mind is that even the FBI can't break into my phone. If the FBI can't break in, that tells me that I am much safer from hackers, crooks, and thieves.

But Apple has already shared all of Farook's backed up data that was stored in the Cloud. And it should be noted that Apple has totally cooperated with the FBI more than 200 times in the past.

Today, March 29, the government announced they were able to get into the phone in question, and that is reassuring on a lot of levels. One, Apple's matrix is so complex that it took the supposed to be so smart Feds a month or so to break into it, and that Apple was not willing to cave in under pressure.

So, I guess this is a win/win. Kinda.

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