One of the things that has always perplexed me is the way that Americans interpret costs at the gas pump. When gas it $4.00 a gallon people mutter, "That frickin' Bush" or "The Frickin' Obama." But when it drops to $1.47 like it did where I live recently (we paid $1.59 today), nobody ever mutters "Thank you Mr. President."
The fact of the matter is we all know that the President doesn't really have anything to do with gas prices. Or does he?
The fact of the matter is that President George W. Bush was once in the oil business and has lots of friends there. So things were kind of allowed, disregarded, and there was a bit of 'looking the other way' under his watch and gas prices soared. That may not be a fair 'cause and effect', but it deserves a thought.
However what does seem more concrete is our President's willingness to negotiate with Iran and therefore they desperately need to raise money fast, and to Hell with OPEC, they are flooding the world with oil in an attempt to raise funds quickly. It's good for me! And it's good for you.
So hate the President all you want, but we have already caught the Iranians in a lie. Naysayers will cry "See? They can't be trusted!" Or objectively you could ascertain that "Wow. We caught them. This is working." It's all about what party you're affiliated with. But the big deal is low prices at the pump.
Just enjoy the oil glut at the pumps this holiday season, because after all, don't we deserve it? We paid $1.59 today and that was in the high gas prices of the world, Belding. Belding is normally 20 cents higher. So there's that.
Friday, December 18, 2015
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Is Freedom of Speech on Trial?
A interesting case is shaping up in Big Rapids, Michigan (the only ‘Big Rapids in the USA' according to a painted banner on the wall of a hanger of their airport.)It seems a former pastor was handing out pamphlets on the sidewalk in front of the Mecosta County Courthouse to anyone who was entering the Courthouse. The pamphlet basically said that jurors had the right to vote their conscience regardless of instructions from the Judge or others. (There is apparently no law requiring the jurors to obey judicial instructions to the letter.) And basically when you vote in a jury you can always vote your conscience, if you just keep your mouth shut about it. Like when you enter a voting booth. What you do in there is nobody’s business.But now, insurance broker Keith Wood who was handing out pamphlets to anyone who would take one on the sidewalk in front of the Mecosta County Courthouse is in hot water. He was approached by court officials while on the sidewalk and threatened with arrest unless he went inside to speak with the Judge. So he complied. He went inside to speak with the Judge.Mecosta Prosecutor Brian Thiede claims that Wood was giving members of the jury “a pamphlet that encouraged jurors to violate their oaths and directly contradicted the instructions the jurors would be given thereby tainting the entire jury panel.” So the Judge ordered Wood to be arrested, and placed in jail. With a $150,000 bail. First of all, Wood was handing them out to anyone who would take them, and he had no idea who potential jurors were. How could he? I have been through the Jury process at least 10 times. Sometimes I’m called, sometimes I’m not. But I never know before I walk in the building.So the attorney for Mr. Wood, a Mr. Kallman out of Lansing, said his client’s free speech rights are being violated. Because once inside in the presence of District Court Judge Peter Jaklevic, Jaklevic ordered Mecosta Sheriff’s Deputy Jeff Roberts to arrest Wood (the father of seven), where he was jailed 12 hours until he could pay his 10% of his unbelievable bail of $150,000. He, the father of seven remember, had to put it on a credit card.Of course Wood and his attorney claims, rightly so, that he could not have been targeting jurors, since no jurors had been impaneled. There was at that point no jury to taint. He was just handing out pamphlets to anyone who would take one on the public’s sidewalk. So attorney Kallman subpoenaed the prosecutors, and the Judge as witnesses in his case during a preliminary examination before Mecosta County Circuit Court Judge Kimberly Booher for a preliminary hearing on December 10th. Of course Thiede opposes the subpoenas and is asking they be thrown out. Of course he is. He’s starting to get scared. He might be about to be called on the carpet for his shenanigans. He might even lose his job. But then there is also the likelihood that Judge Jaklevic and Judge Booher share offices next to each other and play golf together.Since the case is beginning to garner national attention, Eugene Volokh, a legal columnist for the Washington Post, and a Professor at the UCLA School of Law, states: “Sidewalks are a traditional public forum in which the First Amendment rights are at their strongest.” However, Don Herzog, a law professor at the University of Michigan, is quoted in U.S News and World Report, and we all know what that means, that he believes “the prosecution will ultimately prevail, even if the charges seem harsh.” Seem harsh? $150,00 bail and a 5 year felony for handing out a pamphlet on a public sidewalk? Further, Ilya Somin, law professor at George Mason University says that Wood’s prosecution is "probably unconstitutional.” Of course there’s the fact that one Judge will make a decision on whether another of their brethren should be subject to subpoena. Doubtful, but that’s America. The place where everybody that puts on a uniform is a hero.By the way, the case seems to be garnering national attention and is far and away in favor or Mr. Wood….. and the first amendment. My good pal Al Abassee, an economics and political science professor at Ferris State University, also chimed in with some interesting thoughts. He said, in part:
"Interesting in that all of our civil rights are under attack. Accordingly, Article III sections 1-3 are all applicable. Anyone may bring a charge against another, however, it is not a right of the court to bring an action 'against'. The constitution simply allows for hearing of case actions. This in itself is an interesting concept as the 'court' has taken a proactive action of bringing charges against a citizen when the courts authorization by constitutional authority is only interpretive. All enforcement action is by Executive Branch only.
The other interesting view is that I find interesting is not that of "free speech" but upon 1st review is the abhorrent violation of Article 6, Clause 3, "..judicial officers...(s)hall be bound by oath and affirmation, to uphold this constitution..." . By taking said position, the court is taking an action of without a case of law present. While this is an affront to basic civil liberties of the 'free speech' doctrine it also smacks in the face of the individuals "4th amendment rights" of arbitrary arrest, which directly opposes search and seizure without warrant or probable cause. In this case I view upon the basis of "stop and frisk". Further, I find this an aggressive violation of his 8th, 9th and even 10th amendment rights, and I have not even gotten to his 14th amendment rights violations.
I do find an actionable cause that could be taken by him on his denial of his 11th amendment rights.
If I recall, the court cannot take an action against an individual by creating a case, the case itself must be brought prosecutorially, to the court before they have right of jurisdiction."
Exactly. By what authority can the court arbitrary order someone to be arrested? This judge just became a police officer. And that is contrary to his authority.
So, there you have additional insights. Not only does Mr. Wood have an likely lawsuit of his own being laid at his doorstep, his attorney could potentially be arguing this to the Supreme Court. Stranger things have happened.
Thursday, November 19, 2015
How History Repeats Itself.
I have no been here in a while, so dear readers, with so much going on in the world, I thought I should chime in.
Last week there were horrific attacks in Paris by Muslim Extremists. Extremists being the key word. The world is in shock and should be. Paris is such a wonderful city. Nations of the world all showed support by lighting up iconic landmarks in blue, white, and red the colors of the French Flag. (By the way, the next time some right wing idiot wants to call them "Freedom Fries" to put down France, kindly remind them that there wouldn't even be a United States of America if it were not for France helping us defeat the British. And also explain that the French were so impressed by our Revolution it inspired theirs, and in an expression of kinsmen-ship, they chose the same flag colors as ours.)
The immediate speculation was that the extremists were Syrian refugees who had entered the country seeking asylum. Remember this was speculation. Immediately here in the US, 39 Governors issue statements that they will not allow any Syrian Refugees in. Including Governor Snyder of Michigan. Never mind that the highest concentration of Muslims in the United States are in Dearborn, Michigan.
First of all, there is no hard evidence to support the claim that any of these folks that committed the atrocities in Paris were Syrian refugees. A Syrian passport was found next to the body of one of the shooters, but it was later proved to be fake. The way these things get started is simple. One reporter in a room full of reporters wonders aloud to another reporter, "Hey, I wonder if any of these guys were Syrian Refugees?" And then the story gets passed from reporter to reporter around the room. Remember that game at summer camp when a story starts and is whispered from person to person around a campfire, and at the end the originator tells what he/she said initially and then what they got back, and how hilarious the difference is? That's how it works around a newsroom. And by the time it gets to the next to the last reporter and they say "I heard one of them was Syrian Refugee." The last reporter then reports, "Sources say some are Syrian Refugees." Folks, when you see the phrase "sources say," please understand that might just be reporter talk and not a legitimate news source.
And now Republicans on the campaign trail see this as a great talking point. They want to let in only Christian refugees. That is a great talking point for their right wing base, who think they are Christian although they hate the Bible's Book of Matthew. All that 'feed the hungry, clothe the naked' crap, screw those moochers!
I have to give credit to the new Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, who listened to the President and would not go for a "Religious litmus test" for refugees, but wants a "security litmus test." Hey to me this was huge. A Republican actually listening and trying to compromise. The President threatens to Veto. This basically means, he'll tweak what they offer, and they have a deal. Wow. There's an idea. Government actually working. Hmm.
In 1938 Germany there was a famous incident called, "The Night of the Broken Glass" where Jewish owned shops were shattered, looted, and burnt. And then the authorities said the owners were to pay a "accommodation fee" for the damage done to their own property! After that all of their assets were confiscated. Rumors of a mandate of Jewish extermination abounded. Naturally, the Jews there decided their only recourse was to flee.
And it's a good thing they did. Many of the German scientists who fled were instrumental in helping us defeat the Nazi's and the Japanese. Many of those people have been major contributors to the American way of life.
But here's the deal. 85% of Protestants, and 84% of Catholics were opposed to allowing any of the refugees into our country. And remarkably, 1/4 of the Jewish population in the US were against it too.
Somehow, it seems history keeps repeating itself. The United States puts pressure on Europe to accept Syrian refugees who are trying to escape the crazies and are willing to leave their whole way of life behind for one they don't understand because they want to stay alive, but then Europe looks back to us and says "What about you?" And we stand here and look like we are 'all talk and no walk.'
Look we did some stupid things in the past. Locking up Japanese people in camps after Pearl Harbor was deplorable. What the hell were we thinking? We weren't, obviously.
But let's re-evaluate knee jerk reactions. This seems like WWII all over again. Let's just calm down, and think for a minute. Let's not jump on past mistakes until we have thought this through.
Last week there were horrific attacks in Paris by Muslim Extremists. Extremists being the key word. The world is in shock and should be. Paris is such a wonderful city. Nations of the world all showed support by lighting up iconic landmarks in blue, white, and red the colors of the French Flag. (By the way, the next time some right wing idiot wants to call them "Freedom Fries" to put down France, kindly remind them that there wouldn't even be a United States of America if it were not for France helping us defeat the British. And also explain that the French were so impressed by our Revolution it inspired theirs, and in an expression of kinsmen-ship, they chose the same flag colors as ours.)
The immediate speculation was that the extremists were Syrian refugees who had entered the country seeking asylum. Remember this was speculation. Immediately here in the US, 39 Governors issue statements that they will not allow any Syrian Refugees in. Including Governor Snyder of Michigan. Never mind that the highest concentration of Muslims in the United States are in Dearborn, Michigan.
First of all, there is no hard evidence to support the claim that any of these folks that committed the atrocities in Paris were Syrian refugees. A Syrian passport was found next to the body of one of the shooters, but it was later proved to be fake. The way these things get started is simple. One reporter in a room full of reporters wonders aloud to another reporter, "Hey, I wonder if any of these guys were Syrian Refugees?" And then the story gets passed from reporter to reporter around the room. Remember that game at summer camp when a story starts and is whispered from person to person around a campfire, and at the end the originator tells what he/she said initially and then what they got back, and how hilarious the difference is? That's how it works around a newsroom. And by the time it gets to the next to the last reporter and they say "I heard one of them was Syrian Refugee." The last reporter then reports, "Sources say some are Syrian Refugees." Folks, when you see the phrase "sources say," please understand that might just be reporter talk and not a legitimate news source.
And now Republicans on the campaign trail see this as a great talking point. They want to let in only Christian refugees. That is a great talking point for their right wing base, who think they are Christian although they hate the Bible's Book of Matthew. All that 'feed the hungry, clothe the naked' crap, screw those moochers!
I have to give credit to the new Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, who listened to the President and would not go for a "Religious litmus test" for refugees, but wants a "security litmus test." Hey to me this was huge. A Republican actually listening and trying to compromise. The President threatens to Veto. This basically means, he'll tweak what they offer, and they have a deal. Wow. There's an idea. Government actually working. Hmm.
In 1938 Germany there was a famous incident called, "The Night of the Broken Glass" where Jewish owned shops were shattered, looted, and burnt. And then the authorities said the owners were to pay a "accommodation fee" for the damage done to their own property! After that all of their assets were confiscated. Rumors of a mandate of Jewish extermination abounded. Naturally, the Jews there decided their only recourse was to flee.
And it's a good thing they did. Many of the German scientists who fled were instrumental in helping us defeat the Nazi's and the Japanese. Many of those people have been major contributors to the American way of life.
But here's the deal. 85% of Protestants, and 84% of Catholics were opposed to allowing any of the refugees into our country. And remarkably, 1/4 of the Jewish population in the US were against it too.
Somehow, it seems history keeps repeating itself. The United States puts pressure on Europe to accept Syrian refugees who are trying to escape the crazies and are willing to leave their whole way of life behind for one they don't understand because they want to stay alive, but then Europe looks back to us and says "What about you?" And we stand here and look like we are 'all talk and no walk.'
Look we did some stupid things in the past. Locking up Japanese people in camps after Pearl Harbor was deplorable. What the hell were we thinking? We weren't, obviously.
But let's re-evaluate knee jerk reactions. This seems like WWII all over again. Let's just calm down, and think for a minute. Let's not jump on past mistakes until we have thought this through.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Jim Crow Is Alive And Well.
The glorious state of Alabama, a state I truly do love, whenever I pass through I admire their wonderful beauty, and the fabulous Barbecue joints, have re-embraced Jim Crow. Just when I thought they were becoming more cosmopolitan.
The have recently decided to close 31 DMV offices. Budget constraints. And ironically the 31 they chose to close all have a black base of 75% or more of black voters. And since Alabama requires a picture ID to be able to get the idea.
Voter suppression once again.
The fact that they chose these offices to close is no accident. This is a carefully orchestrated move to eliminate black voters from the process. Yes the powers that be just don't want to allow Democrats the right to vote.
It's understood. There are more Democrats in America than Republicans. Everybody knows that. So the only way Republicans can win is if they deny millions of people the right to vote. Everybody knows that. But this is just way too obvious.
Hey Repubs, try and get more subtle.
I really don't understand why Alabama feels this need. Since Lydon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Legislation of 1964, the entire racist south started voting solidly Republican. And it has never changed. So why make a point of exposing yourself as racist demigods Alabama? You were gonna go Republican anyway.
I hope that in my lifetime with enough northerners relocating to Florida, that state flips and becomes a Democratic stronghold. It is already called a "Purple State" much of the time. And maybe someday all voters will be able to vote in Alabama. And that means they become sane and go Democratic.
And then things will start to get better.
The have recently decided to close 31 DMV offices. Budget constraints. And ironically the 31 they chose to close all have a black base of 75% or more of black voters. And since Alabama requires a picture ID to be able to get the idea.
Voter suppression once again.
The fact that they chose these offices to close is no accident. This is a carefully orchestrated move to eliminate black voters from the process. Yes the powers that be just don't want to allow Democrats the right to vote.
It's understood. There are more Democrats in America than Republicans. Everybody knows that. So the only way Republicans can win is if they deny millions of people the right to vote. Everybody knows that. But this is just way too obvious.
Hey Repubs, try and get more subtle.
I really don't understand why Alabama feels this need. Since Lydon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Legislation of 1964, the entire racist south started voting solidly Republican. And it has never changed. So why make a point of exposing yourself as racist demigods Alabama? You were gonna go Republican anyway.
I hope that in my lifetime with enough northerners relocating to Florida, that state flips and becomes a Democratic stronghold. It is already called a "Purple State" much of the time. And maybe someday all voters will be able to vote in Alabama. And that means they become sane and go Democratic.
And then things will start to get better.
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Donald Trump Puts Egg on My Face
I posted that much earlier when Donald Trump entered the Presidential race he was in for a long two weeks. Boy was I wrong! With every outrageous thing he says he gets further ahead in the polls. So, yes, Don I have egg on my face!
And this is killing the media. There is not a single media outlet in existence that hasn't already crowned Jeb Bush with the nominee title. I have never before witnessed the media trying so desperately to get to pick who the candidate will be. And they are obviously frustrated because so far all their efforts aren't working.
I think they want a Clinton/Bush rivalry again so bad they can taste it. But guess what? I don't think Hillary is going to be the candidate anyway. They should probably start to push as hard to make her the candidate, because although they are assuming she's a slam-dunk to get the nomination, they are sadly mistaken.
But anyhow, now I have changed my thought process. I so want Trump to get the nomination. He should get to grandstand and talk about all of his expertise. As a businessman (bankrupt 6 times) and on and on.
And to my Democrat friends. Stop bitching about Trump. It's not our place to have a voice in who their candidate is. It is our job to help get our candidate elected. So lighten up.
Because honestly this will be like shooting fish in a barrel. I really don't think he'll last long enough through the process to get the nomination. And he did wimp-out and placate the alarmed Republican machine (remember when he said he was not willing to say he wouldn't run as an independent if he didn't get the Republican nomination?). Well, since then Donnie Spineless has caved in on this issue and has signed a statement saying he won't. Hopefully it wasn't legally binding.
And I cannot wait to ask my Republican friends, "So in a crisis of extreme complexity can you see Donald Trump making rational decisions in the Situation Room?"
But go get 'em Donnie. Get that nomination.
And this is killing the media. There is not a single media outlet in existence that hasn't already crowned Jeb Bush with the nominee title. I have never before witnessed the media trying so desperately to get to pick who the candidate will be. And they are obviously frustrated because so far all their efforts aren't working.
I think they want a Clinton/Bush rivalry again so bad they can taste it. But guess what? I don't think Hillary is going to be the candidate anyway. They should probably start to push as hard to make her the candidate, because although they are assuming she's a slam-dunk to get the nomination, they are sadly mistaken.
But anyhow, now I have changed my thought process. I so want Trump to get the nomination. He should get to grandstand and talk about all of his expertise. As a businessman (bankrupt 6 times) and on and on.
And to my Democrat friends. Stop bitching about Trump. It's not our place to have a voice in who their candidate is. It is our job to help get our candidate elected. So lighten up.
Because honestly this will be like shooting fish in a barrel. I really don't think he'll last long enough through the process to get the nomination. And he did wimp-out and placate the alarmed Republican machine (remember when he said he was not willing to say he wouldn't run as an independent if he didn't get the Republican nomination?). Well, since then Donnie Spineless has caved in on this issue and has signed a statement saying he won't. Hopefully it wasn't legally binding.
And I cannot wait to ask my Republican friends, "So in a crisis of extreme complexity can you see Donald Trump making rational decisions in the Situation Room?"
But go get 'em Donnie. Get that nomination.
Thursday, July 9, 2015
The Flag Comes Down.
Tomorrow morning at 10 a.m., on the grounds of the capitol in Charleston, South Carolina, the "Stars and Bars" the battle flag of the Confederacy, is coming down. Once and for all.
This decision made late last night in the South Carolina State legislature was predicated on an incident wherein a deranged young man (who had posted pictures of himself online brandishing this flag) walked in to a black church's Bible study and murdered 9 participants. It became clear that this flag was the symbol of black suppression and represented a commitment to keep black people enslaved.
Some may argue it just represents Southern pride and culture. Is fighting to keep slavery and trying to destroy the United States of America, something to be proud of? I have a hard time with that one.
Should we attempt to pretend like it never happened, try to erase it from history like some opponents have argued? No. That's what they do. This flag belongs in a museum. It is history. And I hope the very flag that comes down tomorrow ends up in a museum somewhere so that I can someday see it. I am a Civil War buff, after all. If it were on display, then we are all free to walk by and feel pride, shame, or disgust.
Tonight a friend of my wife's posted that is seemed funny to her that a Democrat hoisted the flag in 1960 and today a Republican Governor signed the legislation to bring is down forever. She points out that conservatives are being unfairly targeted. She obviously doesn't know much about American history.
In the 1930s Southern Democrats were the staunch Conservatives in the nation. They didn't like Roosevelt's New Deal, but they couldn't argue with the results. It kept many folks voting Democrat which kept them in office. However in the early 60's they fought the Civil Rights legislation tooth and nail. When it passed, most of the white voters in the south started voting Republican, and consequently most of those Democrats became Republican. So the fact that a Democrat hoisted this flag in 1960 doesn't get Conservatives off the hook, and in fact, Republicans either. Of course the Governor is Republican. They are the only ones who can get elected in the south. She happens to be somewhat of a moderate though, and she was ardently for taking that flag down. She was so happy to sign the legislation removing that filthy racist rag, that she used nine different to go to each of the families of the shooting victims.
The representatives of the people of South Carolina made this decision. Not the Federal Government. Although I'm sure there are already factions blaming President Obama.
The fact that the people of South Carolina made this decision is good. And can I say that the people of the south that I have met have been a lot more enlightened than ever given credit for. So perhaps the South will actually rise again, reaching a place of wisdom and caring. Not hanging on to symbols of hatred.
Can you imagine what the world would think if the capitol of Germany flew a Nazi flag and they claimed, "hey it's just pride of our heritage!" Find something else to be proud of folks.
This decision made late last night in the South Carolina State legislature was predicated on an incident wherein a deranged young man (who had posted pictures of himself online brandishing this flag) walked in to a black church's Bible study and murdered 9 participants. It became clear that this flag was the symbol of black suppression and represented a commitment to keep black people enslaved.
Some may argue it just represents Southern pride and culture. Is fighting to keep slavery and trying to destroy the United States of America, something to be proud of? I have a hard time with that one.
Should we attempt to pretend like it never happened, try to erase it from history like some opponents have argued? No. That's what they do. This flag belongs in a museum. It is history. And I hope the very flag that comes down tomorrow ends up in a museum somewhere so that I can someday see it. I am a Civil War buff, after all. If it were on display, then we are all free to walk by and feel pride, shame, or disgust.
Tonight a friend of my wife's posted that is seemed funny to her that a Democrat hoisted the flag in 1960 and today a Republican Governor signed the legislation to bring is down forever. She points out that conservatives are being unfairly targeted. She obviously doesn't know much about American history.
In the 1930s Southern Democrats were the staunch Conservatives in the nation. They didn't like Roosevelt's New Deal, but they couldn't argue with the results. It kept many folks voting Democrat which kept them in office. However in the early 60's they fought the Civil Rights legislation tooth and nail. When it passed, most of the white voters in the south started voting Republican, and consequently most of those Democrats became Republican. So the fact that a Democrat hoisted this flag in 1960 doesn't get Conservatives off the hook, and in fact, Republicans either. Of course the Governor is Republican. They are the only ones who can get elected in the south. She happens to be somewhat of a moderate though, and she was ardently for taking that flag down. She was so happy to sign the legislation removing that filthy racist rag, that she used nine different to go to each of the families of the shooting victims.
The representatives of the people of South Carolina made this decision. Not the Federal Government. Although I'm sure there are already factions blaming President Obama.
The fact that the people of South Carolina made this decision is good. And can I say that the people of the south that I have met have been a lot more enlightened than ever given credit for. So perhaps the South will actually rise again, reaching a place of wisdom and caring. Not hanging on to symbols of hatred.
Can you imagine what the world would think if the capitol of Germany flew a Nazi flag and they claimed, "hey it's just pride of our heritage!" Find something else to be proud of folks.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
The Supreme Court Ruling on Marriage Equality.
I am a Christian. However, being a Christian does not disconnect my ability to think, suspend my knowledge of history, or dismiss science.
Last Friday the Supreme Court of the United States proclaimed that all US citizens have equal rights. I don't mean to offend fellow Christians, but this was a legal ruling, not a religious one.
Our country was founded by founding fathers, and they were very smart guys. They deliberately wanted to prevent the establishment of a national religion from or by our government. The Church - Catholic or Anglican - was central to most of the other countries in the world and historically in England where our founding fathers were bent on getting away from. It was critical to them that one central religion NOT be declared and NOT be incorporated into our Government or Constitution. They knew that the establishment of some kind of national religion would someday diminish the very rights they thought were basic; rights they thought were fundamental and were meant to be recognized and protected by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Religious-based loss of basic rights had been their experience in England and they wanted to prevent that from happening here. So when somebody tells you that this country was founded in Christian/Judaeo beliefs, that is a bunch of made-up hooey.
The Supreme Court ruling was a LEGAL one about the scope of human rights for all citizens. It wasn't about morality, values, social trends, or religion. It was about the scope of the Constitution.
Rights should not be up to States to determine. If they were, black citizens wouldn't be able to vote in the south or eat in white establishments. Rights are absolute and cannot be dependent on anything other than someone is a human being and is a citizen of the United States. It those two conditions are met, OUR beliefs about morality or spiritual right and wrong no longer count.
My father-in-law used to say that the Muslim religion was an evil religion. He was equating all Muslims with ISIS. The fact is when Muslims look at Christian inspired wackos like The Nazi Party, The Crusades, The Inquisition, The Salem Witch Trials, and the Ku Klux Klan, Muslims probably think that Christianity is an evil religion. It's not fair or accurate in either case. But one religious group thinking they know THE truth for all humans is how this awful stuff starts.
Our founding fathers didn't want that to happen. The Supreme Court doesn't either. That this is now the law of the land just demonstrates that all human rights are protected. Why should I be okay with that? Because although there are lots of people turning a blind eye to the "browning of America", and sooner than we might like this perhaps will be a predominately Muslim nation. I, for one, want my rights as a Christian protected.
Perhaps if we think that this ruling is wrong, maybe we are confusing the idea of constitutional (human) rights and not what we call sin. If sin was a qualifier to get a fair shake in this nation, we'd all be in trouble.
Maybe someday historians will shake their heads in disbelief about this the same way they do about the fact that women couldn't vote until 1920, or that once blacks were once 3/5ths of a vote (that their master got to cast). I guess only time will tell.
But now in this case equality is the law of the land.
Last Friday the Supreme Court of the United States proclaimed that all US citizens have equal rights. I don't mean to offend fellow Christians, but this was a legal ruling, not a religious one.
Our country was founded by founding fathers, and they were very smart guys. They deliberately wanted to prevent the establishment of a national religion from or by our government. The Church - Catholic or Anglican - was central to most of the other countries in the world and historically in England where our founding fathers were bent on getting away from. It was critical to them that one central religion NOT be declared and NOT be incorporated into our Government or Constitution. They knew that the establishment of some kind of national religion would someday diminish the very rights they thought were basic; rights they thought were fundamental and were meant to be recognized and protected by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Religious-based loss of basic rights had been their experience in England and they wanted to prevent that from happening here. So when somebody tells you that this country was founded in Christian/Judaeo beliefs, that is a bunch of made-up hooey.
The Supreme Court ruling was a LEGAL one about the scope of human rights for all citizens. It wasn't about morality, values, social trends, or religion. It was about the scope of the Constitution.
Rights should not be up to States to determine. If they were, black citizens wouldn't be able to vote in the south or eat in white establishments. Rights are absolute and cannot be dependent on anything other than someone is a human being and is a citizen of the United States. It those two conditions are met, OUR beliefs about morality or spiritual right and wrong no longer count.
My father-in-law used to say that the Muslim religion was an evil religion. He was equating all Muslims with ISIS. The fact is when Muslims look at Christian inspired wackos like The Nazi Party, The Crusades, The Inquisition, The Salem Witch Trials, and the Ku Klux Klan, Muslims probably think that Christianity is an evil religion. It's not fair or accurate in either case. But one religious group thinking they know THE truth for all humans is how this awful stuff starts.
Our founding fathers didn't want that to happen. The Supreme Court doesn't either. That this is now the law of the land just demonstrates that all human rights are protected. Why should I be okay with that? Because although there are lots of people turning a blind eye to the "browning of America", and sooner than we might like this perhaps will be a predominately Muslim nation. I, for one, want my rights as a Christian protected.
Perhaps if we think that this ruling is wrong, maybe we are confusing the idea of constitutional (human) rights and not what we call sin. If sin was a qualifier to get a fair shake in this nation, we'd all be in trouble.
Maybe someday historians will shake their heads in disbelief about this the same way they do about the fact that women couldn't vote until 1920, or that once blacks were once 3/5ths of a vote (that their master got to cast). I guess only time will tell.
But now in this case equality is the law of the land.
Friday, June 26, 2015
Is This the End? Finally?
Oh the heartbreak in Washington tonight. Today the Supreme Court made a final ruling on the Affordable Health Care Act, and in keeping it entirely the law of the land, disappointed all the Republicans who want to let Pharmaceuticals and Health Care providers write an alternate plan to screw the middle class.
Health Care costs are down. Even if you work at a place that provides Health Care benefits, you are saving around $1800 a year and you don't even realize it. One out of three Americans who didn't have health insurance before this law was passed are now insured. And they are paying for it instead of us.
In 1986 President Reagan signed EMTALA, the Emergency Medical Training and Leave Act. Basically it stated that anyone who showed up in an emergency room and needed health care, must be treated whether they had insurance or not. Great! Except it wasn't funded. Which meant that you and I, by paying higher dividends, co-pays, and deductibles, paid for the uninsured. Yes, President Reagan, Saint Ronnie of the Republican Right, signed into law the first socialized medicine program.
Now, all the right wingers hate the poor so much. They're the problem. Not the wealthy leeches not paying taxes. The House has voted around 72 times to repeal the law of the land. The President acknowledged today that this is the most misunderstood law ever. Sure it is, but Mr. President, with all due respect, who's fault is that?
Send folks out to educate citizens about what this really is! Don't let the Limbaugh's and Hannity's keep spreading their lies. Because there are actually people out there that take these guys seriously. And sadly, a lot of them! So start putting these guys in check! Get lots of folks out there educating the masses about what this really is. The Hannity's and the Limbaugh's are naturally going to be scoring points if they are the only ones talking!
And so, the Affordable Health Care Act, that has already saved lives (one woman shared with the President that since they could now afford insurance, her son went in, was diagnosed and treated for a tumor. This would not have happened before the Affordable Care Act. He is alive today because of this law.
So suck it up Righties. If you think this was a bad day for you, wait until tomorrow.
Health Care costs are down. Even if you work at a place that provides Health Care benefits, you are saving around $1800 a year and you don't even realize it. One out of three Americans who didn't have health insurance before this law was passed are now insured. And they are paying for it instead of us.
In 1986 President Reagan signed EMTALA, the Emergency Medical Training and Leave Act. Basically it stated that anyone who showed up in an emergency room and needed health care, must be treated whether they had insurance or not. Great! Except it wasn't funded. Which meant that you and I, by paying higher dividends, co-pays, and deductibles, paid for the uninsured. Yes, President Reagan, Saint Ronnie of the Republican Right, signed into law the first socialized medicine program.
Now, all the right wingers hate the poor so much. They're the problem. Not the wealthy leeches not paying taxes. The House has voted around 72 times to repeal the law of the land. The President acknowledged today that this is the most misunderstood law ever. Sure it is, but Mr. President, with all due respect, who's fault is that?
Send folks out to educate citizens about what this really is! Don't let the Limbaugh's and Hannity's keep spreading their lies. Because there are actually people out there that take these guys seriously. And sadly, a lot of them! So start putting these guys in check! Get lots of folks out there educating the masses about what this really is. The Hannity's and the Limbaugh's are naturally going to be scoring points if they are the only ones talking!
And so, the Affordable Health Care Act, that has already saved lives (one woman shared with the President that since they could now afford insurance, her son went in, was diagnosed and treated for a tumor. This would not have happened before the Affordable Care Act. He is alive today because of this law.
So suck it up Righties. If you think this was a bad day for you, wait until tomorrow.
Friday, June 19, 2015
We've been Trumped again.
Donald Trump has entered the field of Republicans for the Presidency of The United States of America. First, can we see his birth certificate? And not the fake one he offered when he was trying to insult our President. Secondly, please Mr. Trump, explain all the paid actors you hired to pretend to be excited about you entering the race.
After that, good luck. But I have the feeling Don, that you're in for a long two weeks.
Update: Subsequently Mr. Trump has been asked to provide his birth certificate and passport records and has vehemently declined to share this information.
After that, good luck. But I have the feeling Don, that you're in for a long two weeks.
Update: Subsequently Mr. Trump has been asked to provide his birth certificate and passport records and has vehemently declined to share this information.
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Jeb Bush begins his caving in
Today recently announced Presidential candidate Jeb Bush sided with the right wing crazies and big fossil fuel interests, and denounced the Pope for his upcoming remarks regarding climate change. And just for the record, that means Global Warming.
I have oft remarked that if Jeb Bush sticks to his moderate positions he is a true contender for the White House. But today he demonstrated that Jeb is willing to cave in to the same right wing extremist policies that made John McCain deny who he really was. And this cost enormously in elections.
Typically Americans don't elect folks they view as "extremists." For instance Barry Goldwater (too far to the right), or George McGovern (too far to the left). And Jeb Bush for most of his career has demonstrated very moderate electable policies. But today he fell into the righties trap.
This was a good day for Democrats.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Cops Gone Wild
An officer in a suburb of Texas was caught on video getting out of control at a pool party of young people. He was caught throwing a bikini clad young lady to the ground while swearing at her. And then a couple of black male youths approached, and he panicked, because he is most likely a chicken-shit coward in his heart, and he pulled his firearm, brandishing it at them. When they retreated he re-holstered the weapon.
Sean Hannity alleges that the two young men were behind the officer, and therefore he was right to be afraid. They clearly were not behind him, but more so approached from the front. That's how he knew they were there.
Hannity never mentions the white man who clearly was behind him. The officer never felt the need to pull his weapon on him.
The one thing that I noticed from the video is that although most of the party goers were white the only ones the police focused on were the black ones. So, when does this start to get alarming to us as a nation?
Ferguson? I don't know. I want to be against the cop, but I found his explanation to be credible. So I'll give him a pass. New York? Are you kidding me? Absolute chicken shit tactics that killed a man of such criminal stature that he was selling cigarettes outside of the pack. Way to go crimefighters! Even if you had to use a hold that was outlawed by your own department 20 years ago. Baltimore? Oh my Gosh! Are you kidding? A hidden stop and his back gets broken? And he dies?
George Zimmerman continues his criminal rampage. When will we finally put this murdering idiot away? Probably when he murders a white person.
I spent 28 years in law enforcement. I probably worked with thousands and thousands of officers in my career. I can count the good ones on one hand. Don't fool yourself America. These guys are the ones with little dicks who got pushed around on the playground. They desperately want to be a man, so they get a job where they can put on a badge and put a gun on their waist and finally be a man. But they have no idea how to handle the power given them. They have never had any before. We need to train cops more, and not in the obvious stuff. We need to talk to them about the traits that made them feel the need to be an Officer. Because all too often they develop the mentality that "since we are the good guys, then everyone else must be the bad guys."
The Officer in Texas resigned. The Officer in Ferguson resigned. If they were so squeaky clean, why'd they resign? Public pressure? I doubt it. The departments evaluated their behavior and offered them a way to save their pensions.
Go on believing the police are perfect and always right America, if that's what it takes to get you to sleep at night. They are a great bunch of folks until that moment when you cross their path.
Sean Hannity alleges that the two young men were behind the officer, and therefore he was right to be afraid. They clearly were not behind him, but more so approached from the front. That's how he knew they were there.
Hannity never mentions the white man who clearly was behind him. The officer never felt the need to pull his weapon on him.
The one thing that I noticed from the video is that although most of the party goers were white the only ones the police focused on were the black ones. So, when does this start to get alarming to us as a nation?
Ferguson? I don't know. I want to be against the cop, but I found his explanation to be credible. So I'll give him a pass. New York? Are you kidding me? Absolute chicken shit tactics that killed a man of such criminal stature that he was selling cigarettes outside of the pack. Way to go crimefighters! Even if you had to use a hold that was outlawed by your own department 20 years ago. Baltimore? Oh my Gosh! Are you kidding? A hidden stop and his back gets broken? And he dies?
George Zimmerman continues his criminal rampage. When will we finally put this murdering idiot away? Probably when he murders a white person.
I spent 28 years in law enforcement. I probably worked with thousands and thousands of officers in my career. I can count the good ones on one hand. Don't fool yourself America. These guys are the ones with little dicks who got pushed around on the playground. They desperately want to be a man, so they get a job where they can put on a badge and put a gun on their waist and finally be a man. But they have no idea how to handle the power given them. They have never had any before. We need to train cops more, and not in the obvious stuff. We need to talk to them about the traits that made them feel the need to be an Officer. Because all too often they develop the mentality that "since we are the good guys, then everyone else must be the bad guys."
The Officer in Texas resigned. The Officer in Ferguson resigned. If they were so squeaky clean, why'd they resign? Public pressure? I doubt it. The departments evaluated their behavior and offered them a way to save their pensions.
Go on believing the police are perfect and always right America, if that's what it takes to get you to sleep at night. They are a great bunch of folks until that moment when you cross their path.
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Short Sighted Repubs seem like a bad movie.
Republicans falsely claim that the reason the incredibly wealthy Americans shouldn't have to pay their fair share of taxes is because they are "job creators." Anyone with half a brain can see through that nonsense. If that were the case, after 14 years of tax freeloading, we should be swimming in jobs. McDonald's would be forced to pay $15 an hour, not by statute but because every person willing to work 40 hours a week was fielding offers from lots of employers. But that is simply not the case.
Upon getting elected, one of the first thing Governor Rick Snyder did was to question a growing business in Michigan and then help drive it out of the state. Solar Panels? Nope. Wind energy? Nope. It was the movie business.
After the generous tax breaks the legislature passed, that were endorsed by then Governor Jennifer Grantholm, things started to happen in Michigan. Movies started to be made here. A lot of movies. Businesses started popping up. Agencies. Caterers. Limo Rentals. Hollywood sat up and took notice. And slowly but surely Hollywood started moving to Michigan. Literally.
What would this have meant in time? Lots and lots of jobs. Lots and lots of employed people paying taxes. A lot more taxes than the tax breaks were giving up.
When the Republicans pulled the rug out from under this program they were being incredibly short sighted. There's a surprise. All they could see was the revenue they were letting get away, while the movie companies were here. I sat down and furiously wrote a letter to every representative in both Houses in Michigan. Their first response? "Where do you live?" In other words, if you don't live in my district, I don't care." But I live in Michigan you idiots!
How short-sighted were they? When Hollywood moved to Michigan, that would have meant the construction of Studios. This is not me guessing. Plans were drawn up to construct a studio on the east side of the state and one on the west side of the state. Construction people would have gotten work. Not just in building the studio, but later in building sets too. Agencies would have opened offices here. Employing lots of people. Union offices would have opened here. Unions for Actors, Directors, Cinematographers, Writers etc..... again, needing lots of people. TV Studios would have followed suit. So would the digital gaming industry. Pixar would have come for example. George Lucas would have been forced to open an Industrial Light and Magic Studio here. The studios would need all kinds of lighting people, sound personnel, Foley artists, editors, grips, stage hands and on and on. There would be a call for Extras, Stunt people, make up artists, stand-in people, and the myriad of technical people that are required to make films. Not to mention Limo services, Hotel accommodations, Drivers, Caterers, Security personnel, and medical personnel required on movie sets. All getting paid very well and then paying taxes.
On March 15th in the Detroit Free Press Mitch Albom noted that on that particular week the legislature drove the final stake into the heart of the movie tax incentives that they had been down-sizing to practical nonexistence anyway. Mr. Albom notes that the legislature argued that they were spending too much water on a little tree. What they failed to note was that when you water a little tree it becomes a big tree. Maybe even a redwood.
But sadly, as Mr. Albom notes, we never got to see it materialize. After 3 years of the tax incentives, (and nearly 650 million spent in the state), Rick Snyder was elected Governor. And although he promised to keep the program, he slashed the guts out of it.
What did that result in? Other states now enjoying what we might have had. One producer who I know for a fact loved shooting all his films in Grand Rapids, once the change was made, pulled up stakes and moved the operation down to Louisiana.
Here are some snippets of what Albom had to say: [reprinted without permission]:
"The new legislature attacked these incentives as if they wore horns. A committee hurriedly recommended their erasure. The house agreed this past week, by a 58-51 vote, largely along party lines.
If only government always worked this fast.
Look. You may like the incentives or hate them, but let's tell the truth. Fifty million isn't making or breaking this state. It's one tenth of 1% of our annual budget. And if Fifty million was being given out it meant that $150 million was being spent."
Because the legislature isn't attacking the "fat cats" equally.
Albom notes "The fact is, Michigan has nearly $10 billion in outstanding tax credits. Ten billion! To all kinds of businesses. The film industry is a tiny player, thus an easy target."
Michigan legislators somethimes chide, "If the movies industry leaves because they don't get tax breaks, then they really didn't want to be here." So when is it wrong for industries to want to maximize profits? They sure don't think it's wrong when it comes to oil companies, or even the big three automakers. That's why they are called incentives, to give companies a incentive to work, spend, and pay taxes here. In my town, a major industry didn't get the incentives it wanted and it went to Mexico. That's the nature of business, sometimes rightly, and sometimes not.
Some critics say they didn't produce enough anyway. We didn't get to know. It was gutted and then killed in it's infancy. It didn't get a chance to lay the groundwork and let it flourish. Yes, some say it was too much water on a little tree. But little trees become big trees.
We had a chance for Redwoods, and our Republican representatives let us down. The first step to creating jobs is to stop kicking them out of the state.
Upon getting elected, one of the first thing Governor Rick Snyder did was to question a growing business in Michigan and then help drive it out of the state. Solar Panels? Nope. Wind energy? Nope. It was the movie business.
After the generous tax breaks the legislature passed, that were endorsed by then Governor Jennifer Grantholm, things started to happen in Michigan. Movies started to be made here. A lot of movies. Businesses started popping up. Agencies. Caterers. Limo Rentals. Hollywood sat up and took notice. And slowly but surely Hollywood started moving to Michigan. Literally.
What would this have meant in time? Lots and lots of jobs. Lots and lots of employed people paying taxes. A lot more taxes than the tax breaks were giving up.
When the Republicans pulled the rug out from under this program they were being incredibly short sighted. There's a surprise. All they could see was the revenue they were letting get away, while the movie companies were here. I sat down and furiously wrote a letter to every representative in both Houses in Michigan. Their first response? "Where do you live?" In other words, if you don't live in my district, I don't care." But I live in Michigan you idiots!
How short-sighted were they? When Hollywood moved to Michigan, that would have meant the construction of Studios. This is not me guessing. Plans were drawn up to construct a studio on the east side of the state and one on the west side of the state. Construction people would have gotten work. Not just in building the studio, but later in building sets too. Agencies would have opened offices here. Employing lots of people. Union offices would have opened here. Unions for Actors, Directors, Cinematographers, Writers etc..... again, needing lots of people. TV Studios would have followed suit. So would the digital gaming industry. Pixar would have come for example. George Lucas would have been forced to open an Industrial Light and Magic Studio here. The studios would need all kinds of lighting people, sound personnel, Foley artists, editors, grips, stage hands and on and on. There would be a call for Extras, Stunt people, make up artists, stand-in people, and the myriad of technical people that are required to make films. Not to mention Limo services, Hotel accommodations, Drivers, Caterers, Security personnel, and medical personnel required on movie sets. All getting paid very well and then paying taxes.
On March 15th in the Detroit Free Press Mitch Albom noted that on that particular week the legislature drove the final stake into the heart of the movie tax incentives that they had been down-sizing to practical nonexistence anyway. Mr. Albom notes that the legislature argued that they were spending too much water on a little tree. What they failed to note was that when you water a little tree it becomes a big tree. Maybe even a redwood.
But sadly, as Mr. Albom notes, we never got to see it materialize. After 3 years of the tax incentives, (and nearly 650 million spent in the state), Rick Snyder was elected Governor. And although he promised to keep the program, he slashed the guts out of it.
What did that result in? Other states now enjoying what we might have had. One producer who I know for a fact loved shooting all his films in Grand Rapids, once the change was made, pulled up stakes and moved the operation down to Louisiana.
Here are some snippets of what Albom had to say: [reprinted without permission]:
"The new legislature attacked these incentives as if they wore horns. A committee hurriedly recommended their erasure. The house agreed this past week, by a 58-51 vote, largely along party lines.
If only government always worked this fast.
Look. You may like the incentives or hate them, but let's tell the truth. Fifty million isn't making or breaking this state. It's one tenth of 1% of our annual budget. And if Fifty million was being given out it meant that $150 million was being spent."
Because the legislature isn't attacking the "fat cats" equally.
Albom notes "The fact is, Michigan has nearly $10 billion in outstanding tax credits. Ten billion! To all kinds of businesses. The film industry is a tiny player, thus an easy target."
Michigan legislators somethimes chide, "If the movies industry leaves because they don't get tax breaks, then they really didn't want to be here." So when is it wrong for industries to want to maximize profits? They sure don't think it's wrong when it comes to oil companies, or even the big three automakers. That's why they are called incentives, to give companies a incentive to work, spend, and pay taxes here. In my town, a major industry didn't get the incentives it wanted and it went to Mexico. That's the nature of business, sometimes rightly, and sometimes not.
Some critics say they didn't produce enough anyway. We didn't get to know. It was gutted and then killed in it's infancy. It didn't get a chance to lay the groundwork and let it flourish. Yes, some say it was too much water on a little tree. But little trees become big trees.
We had a chance for Redwoods, and our Republican representatives let us down. The first step to creating jobs is to stop kicking them out of the state.
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Proposal 1 Goes Down
Proposal 1 was seen as the fraud that it was. 80% of the electorate said, no, we aren't buying it.
Dear Lansing, Figure out how to do your jobs. Figure out how to work together. Learn how to lead, contribute, and govern. If you have to raise taxes to fix roads, and I don't believe you do, go ahead and do it. And then we'll deal with you accordingly. One has to wonder though, that if we cut just two of the upper echelon positions of fat in the government, say two jobs that pay 300 K a year, how many roads we could fix with and extra $600,000 dollars a year for a few years?
Here's another thing. When are we going to re-evaluate why we allow trucks to carry more weight than any of the states around us? We live in the frost belt. Allowing so much weight and subsequently trucks grinding our roads to pieces in a few years? What is the point? When you cross the state line you instantly notice the difference.
Our roads seem to be always under construction anyway. You want to know what kills the tourism dollars? Road repair. I once came back to Michigan from Ohio and passed through TWO road constructions sites BEFORE I REACHED THE WELCOME CENTER! My friends in Ohio tell me they avoid this place like the plague, because they try to come here and are stuck in constant traffic stoppages at construction sites. This is ridiculous.
And then the proposal said "the money is guaranteed to go to transportation. NOT roads. Duh!
Transportation can mean more weigh stations that are never open, more Department of Transportation Muckity-Mucks making $300,000 a year. It doesn't necessarily mean Roads as the ads tried to imply.
And dare I ask? This is 2015. We can make phones that allow the entire knowledge of the whole world at our finger tips, our TVs show every pore on an actor's face, and we love to pay 4 bucks for a cup of coffee. Are you telling me we can't come up with a material that will last 20 years once we lay it on a road? How about silicon/fiberglass roads? How about acknowledging our frost-line and building roads like the Autobahn? The Autobahn is, count 'em, 4 [FOUR] feet thick. It's been there for 50 years. No problem.
There are effective ways to deal with this problem. But temporary band-aids so that some Lansing official's brother-in-law can to continue to make a fortune are a total waste of time.
Ads with "school bus drivers" and pictures of cute little kids, and the phrase "if it cost me a penny more, I'm all for it." are sickening. It ain't a penny, honey. It's a tax that would have killed sales of high ticket items like cars and homes. And we did not buy this. The Repubs wanted us to hurt ourselves, so they could campaign on the fact that they didn't raise taxes, we did it to ourselves.
Not this time. Learn how to do your jobs.
Dear Lansing, Figure out how to do your jobs. Figure out how to work together. Learn how to lead, contribute, and govern. If you have to raise taxes to fix roads, and I don't believe you do, go ahead and do it. And then we'll deal with you accordingly. One has to wonder though, that if we cut just two of the upper echelon positions of fat in the government, say two jobs that pay 300 K a year, how many roads we could fix with and extra $600,000 dollars a year for a few years?
Here's another thing. When are we going to re-evaluate why we allow trucks to carry more weight than any of the states around us? We live in the frost belt. Allowing so much weight and subsequently trucks grinding our roads to pieces in a few years? What is the point? When you cross the state line you instantly notice the difference.
Our roads seem to be always under construction anyway. You want to know what kills the tourism dollars? Road repair. I once came back to Michigan from Ohio and passed through TWO road constructions sites BEFORE I REACHED THE WELCOME CENTER! My friends in Ohio tell me they avoid this place like the plague, because they try to come here and are stuck in constant traffic stoppages at construction sites. This is ridiculous.
And then the proposal said "the money is guaranteed to go to transportation. NOT roads. Duh!
Transportation can mean more weigh stations that are never open, more Department of Transportation Muckity-Mucks making $300,000 a year. It doesn't necessarily mean Roads as the ads tried to imply.
And dare I ask? This is 2015. We can make phones that allow the entire knowledge of the whole world at our finger tips, our TVs show every pore on an actor's face, and we love to pay 4 bucks for a cup of coffee. Are you telling me we can't come up with a material that will last 20 years once we lay it on a road? How about silicon/fiberglass roads? How about acknowledging our frost-line and building roads like the Autobahn? The Autobahn is, count 'em, 4 [FOUR] feet thick. It's been there for 50 years. No problem.
There are effective ways to deal with this problem. But temporary band-aids so that some Lansing official's brother-in-law can to continue to make a fortune are a total waste of time.
Ads with "school bus drivers" and pictures of cute little kids, and the phrase "if it cost me a penny more, I'm all for it." are sickening. It ain't a penny, honey. It's a tax that would have killed sales of high ticket items like cars and homes. And we did not buy this. The Repubs wanted us to hurt ourselves, so they could campaign on the fact that they didn't raise taxes, we did it to ourselves.
Not this time. Learn how to do your jobs.
Friday, May 1, 2015
I have been ranting around my house for weeks about lame ass representatives that wanted a job but don't know how to do it. They can't figure out how to work together with others from the other party, how to negotiate, how to compromise, how to get things done, and how to lead and govern. Specifically they have tossed Proposal 1 on the Ballot, so we can vote on it, and then they get to run on "We don't raise taxes, you did it to yourself." Local Business Owner Mike Huckleberry recently sent a published letter to the "The Daily [Republican] News" and he said everything I was thinking. I didn't ask Mike for permission to reprint this, but next time I see him, I will. I am fairly confident he'll be okay with it, but if not I'll delete and then you can consider yourselves "the enlightened ones."
Here's what he had to say"
"House Speaker Kevin Cotter, R-Mount Pleasant, said, "the longer we wait to fix the roads the more it cost."
Advertisements correctly point out roads are dangerous, they cost us auto repair and they are hurting our economy. This being true, why did it take five years of complete Republican control of government to address this dire situation?
Their solution? "We the People" voting another tax increase on top of the 1.4 BILLION already imposed! The election will cost $10 million to cover their incompetence......the average family will pay out about $500 if passed. The total tax increase from the "ANTI-TAXERS" will be $2.3 Billion on Michigan Families.
Remember when Governor Engler raised sales tax from 4% to 6%? Remember President Reagan raised 11 taxes? How about "Read My Lips, no new taxes" from Bush I before raising them? Gov. Snyder and legislators are following the same path. Next time a Republican politician tells you "they are against taxes" or "they can run government without taxes" think of their record and broken promises.
I am voting NO on Proposal 1. After proving they know how to win an election, the Republicans seem to have trouble with the "governing thing." It's time they are held accountable."
Now ME: Yeah, that about says it all Mike. These folks wanted the job, but have no clue on how to do it. Hey folks, reach out to someone across the aisle and figure out how to get things done. But you'll never get it. Most of Michigan Repubs get elected on glitz and not credentials.
I hope you all vote NO on this ridiculous Proposal. Say NO. Make these elected idiots figure out how to actually do the job they wanted so badly they ran to get.
Here's what he had to say"
"House Speaker Kevin Cotter, R-Mount Pleasant, said, "the longer we wait to fix the roads the more it cost."
Advertisements correctly point out roads are dangerous, they cost us auto repair and they are hurting our economy. This being true, why did it take five years of complete Republican control of government to address this dire situation?
Their solution? "We the People" voting another tax increase on top of the 1.4 BILLION already imposed! The election will cost $10 million to cover their incompetence......the average family will pay out about $500 if passed. The total tax increase from the "ANTI-TAXERS" will be $2.3 Billion on Michigan Families.
Remember when Governor Engler raised sales tax from 4% to 6%? Remember President Reagan raised 11 taxes? How about "Read My Lips, no new taxes" from Bush I before raising them? Gov. Snyder and legislators are following the same path. Next time a Republican politician tells you "they are against taxes" or "they can run government without taxes" think of their record and broken promises.
I am voting NO on Proposal 1. After proving they know how to win an election, the Republicans seem to have trouble with the "governing thing." It's time they are held accountable."
Now ME: Yeah, that about says it all Mike. These folks wanted the job, but have no clue on how to do it. Hey folks, reach out to someone across the aisle and figure out how to get things done. But you'll never get it. Most of Michigan Repubs get elected on glitz and not credentials.
I hope you all vote NO on this ridiculous Proposal. Say NO. Make these elected idiots figure out how to actually do the job they wanted so badly they ran to get.
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Sometimes the Good of the Many Outweigh the Good of the Few.
I recently commented somewhere about how ill conceived and crazy idea the Keystone Pipeline is. I subsequently received a scathing response from a union pipe liner. He accused me and the Democrats of throwing him under the bus. He maintains that just like a carpenter he goes from pipeline to pipeline. That's fine and I hope he's making a fine living. But running a ridiculous ugly monstrosity through the length and breadth of our nation so he can make a few bucks is just plain selfish.
He is the response I sent him:
Brother I am NOT throwing you under the bus. I am a Democrat, the party of Unions, remember? I totally am on your side and support you and your Union brotherhood 110%. But this stupid idea, the Keystone pipeline, is only an illustration of how easily our government can be purchased. This is a terrible idea, and if you searched your heart, you’d admit it’s true. And keep in mind the Republicans have one main mission: to dissolve Unions. Because they want you to have no power. And they want to eliminate Unemployment Insurance because they want you to have recourse. And then you are scared. And powerless. And at their mercy. And you will gladly work for $9 an hour.
The very real problem is that when anyone is elected to Congress, the very first week in office they need to start raising $10,000 a week to get elected again. And so, they agree to take money from oil companies and agree to represent their interests. We don’t need this ugly monstrosity running through our country. You wanna know what the alternate plan is? To run it through theirs! Let ‘em!
Hopefully you are working 5 days a week for a living wage. But brother, never agree with those that want to hurt you. You deserve better. We don’t need this ugly, awful pipeline that would run across 1,100 wetlands. And believe it or not pipelines are not infallible. You don’t need it. You don’t want to have to explain and apologize to your adult grandchildren that “it was a job.” Let Canada ruin their own country.
I’ve said enough. I don’t know if you’ll ever even see this. But if you do, let me leave you with a final thought. Canada is entirely energy independent. They import no oil. It is not about where the oil comes from, it’s about who gets control of it. Canada is totally energy independent. They pay as much at the pump as we do. See? None of this Canadian Oil was coming to the US anyway, so what the?…… I know it was a gig. But sometimes you have to put the good of the whole, over your interests.
Have a good life, brother.
I don't know if he ever got this message or not. But it always bewilders me at how easily some people will sell out just to make a few bucks. He's probably working 40 plus hours a week at over $40 an hour. So, he should just do those jobs and not worry about the one that got away.
He is the response I sent him:
Brother I am NOT throwing you under the bus. I am a Democrat, the party of Unions, remember? I totally am on your side and support you and your Union brotherhood 110%. But this stupid idea, the Keystone pipeline, is only an illustration of how easily our government can be purchased. This is a terrible idea, and if you searched your heart, you’d admit it’s true. And keep in mind the Republicans have one main mission: to dissolve Unions. Because they want you to have no power. And they want to eliminate Unemployment Insurance because they want you to have recourse. And then you are scared. And powerless. And at their mercy. And you will gladly work for $9 an hour.
The very real problem is that when anyone is elected to Congress, the very first week in office they need to start raising $10,000 a week to get elected again. And so, they agree to take money from oil companies and agree to represent their interests. We don’t need this ugly monstrosity running through our country. You wanna know what the alternate plan is? To run it through theirs! Let ‘em!
Hopefully you are working 5 days a week for a living wage. But brother, never agree with those that want to hurt you. You deserve better. We don’t need this ugly, awful pipeline that would run across 1,100 wetlands. And believe it or not pipelines are not infallible. You don’t need it. You don’t want to have to explain and apologize to your adult grandchildren that “it was a job.” Let Canada ruin their own country.
I’ve said enough. I don’t know if you’ll ever even see this. But if you do, let me leave you with a final thought. Canada is entirely energy independent. They import no oil. It is not about where the oil comes from, it’s about who gets control of it. Canada is totally energy independent. They pay as much at the pump as we do. See? None of this Canadian Oil was coming to the US anyway, so what the?…… I know it was a gig. But sometimes you have to put the good of the whole, over your interests.
Have a good life, brother.
I don't know if he ever got this message or not. But it always bewilders me at how easily some people will sell out just to make a few bucks. He's probably working 40 plus hours a week at over $40 an hour. So, he should just do those jobs and not worry about the one that got away.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
A Michigan Republican Sham
There is a proposal on the ballot in an upcoming election about repairing Michigan's crumbling infrastructure, specifically Michigan's roads. As Republicans in Congress continue to stall and disregard the President's Jobs bill, our country is rusting and crumbling away. But they have to ignore it. He's black after all.
Meanwhile state's are forced to take it on themselves. Even for Federal Highways like U.S. 131. Yes, the roads and bridges are in disrepair. And yes, they need to be fixed.
But the Michigan Legislature refuses to do it's job. They are so ineffectual they can't figure out how to fix our roads, since they've slashed the budget to the bone. Meanwhile giving themselves raises.
So what can they do? They've stopped poor kids from getting a decent lunch, and rich people from paying taxes, and the elderly from being able to get medicine, so hey, they're serving the people. But they fact is, they know that the roads and bridges need to be fixed. And they are so worried they might have to make some tough decisions, work together, compromise, and actually do their jobs, that they have come up with an inspired plan: Let's put it on the voters! Let them raise the taxes on themselves! So conveniently we can always campaign on "We have never raised taxes."
Then they get the Proposal on the ballot and fill the airwaves with ads about cute little kids on school buses who obviously will be put more in harm's way than our troops if we don't agree to raise taxes on ourselves. And then the ads have the audacity to have an actress say, "And if I have to pay a penny more, so be it."
Folks, it ain't gonna be "a penny." It is going to be a a substantial rate hike at the gas pump. 30 to 40 cents a gallon. That's not bad when the price of gas is $2.18 like it is in Greenville right now, but it will hurt a lot more when the price goes back to $4.00.
You want $5.00/gallon gas? Then vote yes for this ridiculous Proposal. I will say now what I have always said, as if it were a mantra: Never vote to raise taxes on yourself.
Vote no on Proposal 1. Make the legislature do it's job. Make the Republican members learn how to govern. Make them learn how to make deals, and understand that compromise means everybody gets something, but not everything they want. We as taxpayers have already put the money there. Make them learn how to use it more effectively.
Vote NO on Proposal 1. Make the elected Republican officials in our legislature do their jobs. It's time they started earning their overpaid keep.
Meanwhile state's are forced to take it on themselves. Even for Federal Highways like U.S. 131. Yes, the roads and bridges are in disrepair. And yes, they need to be fixed.
But the Michigan Legislature refuses to do it's job. They are so ineffectual they can't figure out how to fix our roads, since they've slashed the budget to the bone. Meanwhile giving themselves raises.
So what can they do? They've stopped poor kids from getting a decent lunch, and rich people from paying taxes, and the elderly from being able to get medicine, so hey, they're serving the people. But they fact is, they know that the roads and bridges need to be fixed. And they are so worried they might have to make some tough decisions, work together, compromise, and actually do their jobs, that they have come up with an inspired plan: Let's put it on the voters! Let them raise the taxes on themselves! So conveniently we can always campaign on "We have never raised taxes."
Then they get the Proposal on the ballot and fill the airwaves with ads about cute little kids on school buses who obviously will be put more in harm's way than our troops if we don't agree to raise taxes on ourselves. And then the ads have the audacity to have an actress say, "And if I have to pay a penny more, so be it."
Folks, it ain't gonna be "a penny." It is going to be a a substantial rate hike at the gas pump. 30 to 40 cents a gallon. That's not bad when the price of gas is $2.18 like it is in Greenville right now, but it will hurt a lot more when the price goes back to $4.00.
You want $5.00/gallon gas? Then vote yes for this ridiculous Proposal. I will say now what I have always said, as if it were a mantra: Never vote to raise taxes on yourself.
Vote no on Proposal 1. Make the legislature do it's job. Make the Republican members learn how to govern. Make them learn how to make deals, and understand that compromise means everybody gets something, but not everything they want. We as taxpayers have already put the money there. Make them learn how to use it more effectively.
Vote NO on Proposal 1. Make the elected Republican officials in our legislature do their jobs. It's time they started earning their overpaid keep.
Sunday, January 18, 2015
The Angst Over Agema
Michigan can be proud of a lot of things. But one of them is not Dave Agema, the Republican from Grandville, Michigan. Agema somehow made his way to the National Republican Committee, and since being there has displayed his true colors. And they aren't pretty.
When Agema first ran for the RNC he claimed he wanted to be a voice at the table for activists who weren't being heard. He claimed that the [made up only in deluded minds] "liberal media" were out to keep out the voice of various individuals. "This "liberal media,"is "pushing buttons trying to shut people up, talking about important issues that we need to talk about."
Apparently the important issues he thinks were not being talked enough about were racist, sexist, neo-nazi propaganda. Because these are the sort of things he's been diligently posting on his
Facebook page - outrageous offensive comments. I guess the issues he wanted "heard" were questioning whether "any Muslim has contributed any value in American society." How "homosexuals were responsible for half the murder rate in large cities", and most recently his rants about how black people are inferior.
This offends Democrats and most thinking people. And most thinking people includes liberal and moderate Republicans. (Yes, there are such creatures, but they stay under the radar.) Your average Republican, the person that really thinks he's in it to make government smaller etc., and is not one of the right wing extremist wing-nuts, is horrified along with the rest of us. They have in fact called upon the RNC to show Agema the door. These folks include Governor Rick Snyder, legislative leaders, congressional delegations, and Michigan state party Chair Bob Schostak. Even Betsy DeVos, one of the party's most generous donors indicated she might not be inclined to donate if the GOP didn't give Agema the boot.
Now, finally the National Republican Party has had enough. They were scheduled to vote during their San Diego meeting on Friday on a resolution demanding Agema's resignation. (I've been scouring the internet, but can't find any results of what happened.) They were faced with his outrageous posts including his New Year's Day re-post from some schlock site called "American Renaissance." Agema has since scrubbed it from his page. The racism here was straight out the the 1950's.
The writer, who claims to be a "public defender", derided blacks for their limited intellectual capacity, poor work ethic, cultural de-evolution, and their just plain inability to follow the law. The thrust was that Americans [apparently this means white folks], have a right to defend their culture against such evil-doers.
Now before he can cry, "I was just pointing out how people, but not me, think" as his justification, he had posted it glowingly with "Very interesting article by a public defender. We are in a cultural battle. Very enlightening for anyone concerned about crime in America...."
This wasn't just a mis-step. This wasn't his one dalliance into unknown territory. It is consistent with the rhetoric of his social media ignorance. And folks, this is not about free speech. Don't even go there. He can think and say whatever he wants. But then the RNC and other party members are equally free to decide if they want a douche-bag like this representing them.
This is a party who understands that they desperately have to garner minority voters. The "Browning of America" will occur in our life-times. White people are not going to be a majority anymore, sooner than any us can fathom. And hey this is not about upholding Republican or Christian values like Agema is trying to contend. Hating people isn't in my Bible.
Racism, bigotry, sexism, and hateful nonsense are not the core values of either Republicans, conservatives, or Christians. Agema represents this narrow, FOX News watching, right wing extremist crazies, who have somehow attached themselves to the Republican party. Much in the way a barnacle attaches itself to a luxury liner. But sadly the folks that feel this way, and I know several personally, truly in their heart of hearts believe that most of Americans feel exactly the way they do, but that his tiny little minute speck of the population have somehow managed to elect people who do not agree with them.
But here's the rub. Party rules apparently don't allow the committee to eject a member short of a felony conviction. I doubt whether a narcissistic "I'll stand for what's right!" crazy like Agema will take the hint and bow out gracefully. There is talk that the GOP might convene an emergency session just to change their rules to rid themselves of this maggot.
As a moderate Democrat, I'm glad that Dave Agema is out there spewing ill will about the Republican Party. But I am hopeful that the party will kick this bum to the curb. Apparently, as should be, most thinking Republicans want to take a stand against this kind of racist, bigoted, sexist hate-mongering.
I really want to beat Republicans without the help of loonies. But if my Republican brethren really believe that Agema or other right wing extremists represent the party of Lincoln, T. Roosevelt, and Eisenhower, they are seriously kidding themselves.
When Agema first ran for the RNC he claimed he wanted to be a voice at the table for activists who weren't being heard. He claimed that the [made up only in deluded minds] "liberal media" were out to keep out the voice of various individuals. "This "liberal media,"is "pushing buttons trying to shut people up, talking about important issues that we need to talk about."
Apparently the important issues he thinks were not being talked enough about were racist, sexist, neo-nazi propaganda. Because these are the sort of things he's been diligently posting on his
Facebook page - outrageous offensive comments. I guess the issues he wanted "heard" were questioning whether "any Muslim has contributed any value in American society." How "homosexuals were responsible for half the murder rate in large cities", and most recently his rants about how black people are inferior.
This offends Democrats and most thinking people. And most thinking people includes liberal and moderate Republicans. (Yes, there are such creatures, but they stay under the radar.) Your average Republican, the person that really thinks he's in it to make government smaller etc., and is not one of the right wing extremist wing-nuts, is horrified along with the rest of us. They have in fact called upon the RNC to show Agema the door. These folks include Governor Rick Snyder, legislative leaders, congressional delegations, and Michigan state party Chair Bob Schostak. Even Betsy DeVos, one of the party's most generous donors indicated she might not be inclined to donate if the GOP didn't give Agema the boot.
Now, finally the National Republican Party has had enough. They were scheduled to vote during their San Diego meeting on Friday on a resolution demanding Agema's resignation. (I've been scouring the internet, but can't find any results of what happened.) They were faced with his outrageous posts including his New Year's Day re-post from some schlock site called "American Renaissance." Agema has since scrubbed it from his page. The racism here was straight out the the 1950's.
The writer, who claims to be a "public defender", derided blacks for their limited intellectual capacity, poor work ethic, cultural de-evolution, and their just plain inability to follow the law. The thrust was that Americans [apparently this means white folks], have a right to defend their culture against such evil-doers.
Now before he can cry, "I was just pointing out how people, but not me, think" as his justification, he had posted it glowingly with "Very interesting article by a public defender. We are in a cultural battle. Very enlightening for anyone concerned about crime in America...."
This wasn't just a mis-step. This wasn't his one dalliance into unknown territory. It is consistent with the rhetoric of his social media ignorance. And folks, this is not about free speech. Don't even go there. He can think and say whatever he wants. But then the RNC and other party members are equally free to decide if they want a douche-bag like this representing them.
This is a party who understands that they desperately have to garner minority voters. The "Browning of America" will occur in our life-times. White people are not going to be a majority anymore, sooner than any us can fathom. And hey this is not about upholding Republican or Christian values like Agema is trying to contend. Hating people isn't in my Bible.
Racism, bigotry, sexism, and hateful nonsense are not the core values of either Republicans, conservatives, or Christians. Agema represents this narrow, FOX News watching, right wing extremist crazies, who have somehow attached themselves to the Republican party. Much in the way a barnacle attaches itself to a luxury liner. But sadly the folks that feel this way, and I know several personally, truly in their heart of hearts believe that most of Americans feel exactly the way they do, but that his tiny little minute speck of the population have somehow managed to elect people who do not agree with them.
But here's the rub. Party rules apparently don't allow the committee to eject a member short of a felony conviction. I doubt whether a narcissistic "I'll stand for what's right!" crazy like Agema will take the hint and bow out gracefully. There is talk that the GOP might convene an emergency session just to change their rules to rid themselves of this maggot.
As a moderate Democrat, I'm glad that Dave Agema is out there spewing ill will about the Republican Party. But I am hopeful that the party will kick this bum to the curb. Apparently, as should be, most thinking Republicans want to take a stand against this kind of racist, bigoted, sexist hate-mongering.
I really want to beat Republicans without the help of loonies. But if my Republican brethren really believe that Agema or other right wing extremists represent the party of Lincoln, T. Roosevelt, and Eisenhower, they are seriously kidding themselves.
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