I have no been here in a while, so dear readers, with so much going on in the world, I thought I should chime in.
Last week there were horrific attacks in Paris by Muslim Extremists. Extremists being the key word. The world is in shock and should be. Paris is such a wonderful city. Nations of the world all showed support by lighting up iconic landmarks in blue, white, and red the colors of the French Flag. (By the way, the next time some right wing idiot wants to call them "Freedom Fries" to put down France, kindly remind them that there wouldn't even be a United States of America if it were not for France helping us defeat the British. And also explain that the French were so impressed by our Revolution it inspired theirs, and in an expression of kinsmen-ship, they chose the same flag colors as ours.)
The immediate speculation was that the extremists were Syrian refugees who had entered the country seeking asylum. Remember this was speculation. Immediately here in the US, 39 Governors issue statements that they will not allow any Syrian Refugees in. Including Governor Snyder of Michigan. Never mind that the highest concentration of Muslims in the United States are in Dearborn, Michigan.
First of all, there is no hard evidence to support the claim that any of these folks that committed the atrocities in Paris were Syrian refugees. A Syrian passport was found next to the body of one of the shooters, but it was later proved to be fake. The way these things get started is simple. One reporter in a room full of reporters wonders aloud to another reporter, "Hey, I wonder if any of these guys were Syrian Refugees?" And then the story gets passed from reporter to reporter around the room. Remember that game at summer camp when a story starts and is whispered from person to person around a campfire, and at the end the originator tells what he/she said initially and then what they got back, and how hilarious the difference is? That's how it works around a newsroom. And by the time it gets to the next to the last reporter and they say "I heard one of them was Syrian Refugee." The last reporter then reports, "Sources say some are Syrian Refugees." Folks, when you see the phrase "sources say," please understand that might just be reporter talk and not a legitimate news source.
And now Republicans on the campaign trail see this as a great talking point. They want to let in only Christian refugees. That is a great talking point for their right wing base, who think they are Christian although they hate the Bible's Book of Matthew. All that 'feed the hungry, clothe the naked' crap, screw those moochers!
I have to give credit to the new Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, who listened to the President and would not go for a "Religious litmus test" for refugees, but wants a "security litmus test." Hey to me this was huge. A Republican actually listening and trying to compromise. The President threatens to Veto. This basically means, he'll tweak what they offer, and they have a deal. Wow. There's an idea. Government actually working. Hmm.
In 1938 Germany there was a famous incident called, "The Night of the Broken Glass" where Jewish owned shops were shattered, looted, and burnt. And then the authorities said the owners were to pay a "accommodation fee" for the damage done to their own property! After that all of their assets were confiscated. Rumors of a mandate of Jewish extermination abounded. Naturally, the Jews there decided their only recourse was to flee.
And it's a good thing they did. Many of the German scientists who fled were instrumental in helping us defeat the Nazi's and the Japanese. Many of those people have been major contributors to the American way of life.
But here's the deal. 85% of Protestants, and 84% of Catholics were opposed to allowing any of the refugees into our country. And remarkably, 1/4 of the Jewish population in the US were against it too.
Somehow, it seems history keeps repeating itself. The United States puts pressure on Europe to accept Syrian refugees who are trying to escape the crazies and are willing to leave their whole way of life behind for one they don't understand because they want to stay alive, but then Europe looks back to us and says "What about you?" And we stand here and look like we are 'all talk and no walk.'
Look we did some stupid things in the past. Locking up Japanese people in camps after Pearl Harbor was deplorable. What the hell were we thinking? We weren't, obviously.
But let's re-evaluate knee jerk reactions. This seems like WWII all over again. Let's just calm down, and think for a minute. Let's not jump on past mistakes until we have thought this through.
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