Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Jeb Bush begins his caving in

Today recently announced Presidential candidate Jeb Bush sided with the right wing crazies and big fossil fuel interests, and denounced the Pope for his upcoming remarks regarding climate change. And just for the record, that means Global Warming.

I have oft remarked that if Jeb Bush sticks to his moderate positions he is a true contender for the White House. But today he demonstrated that Jeb is willing to cave in to the same right wing extremist policies that made John McCain deny who he really was. And this cost enormously in elections. 

Typically Americans don't elect folks they view as "extremists." For instance Barry Goldwater (too far to the right), or George McGovern (too far to the left). And Jeb Bush for most of his career has demonstrated very moderate electable policies. But today he fell into the righties trap. 

This was a good day for Democrats. 

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