So let me see if I have this straight.
The Republicans last week failed to pass their own Immigration Reform bill. So then they turn to the President demanding that he fix it. He contemplates expanding his version of the 'Dream Act' by Executive Order. So now, The House Majority Leader wants to sue the President, and some are using the I word. You know, that obligatory act of Republicans to Impeach Democrats.... and in this case for trying to serve the American people because Congress refuses to.
Just this week President Barrack Obama surpassed President George W. Bush in the number of Executive Orders Issued. Just this week. And George W. seldom had to use them because for many years he enjoyed a Republican House and Senate. Remember? That's when they all bellied up to the trough for stuff like tax cuts for the 1% and a War in Iraq. But The Speaker of the House now is barking about suing the President for using his Executive Privilege to try and accomplish something for the American People because apparently the President wants to leave a positive legacy more than Speaker Boeghner does.
But no President in history has had to deal with this kind of discernible hatred at every level. Speaker Boughner, your legacy will be that you have presided over the worst Congress in history. Your Congress has done approximately 1/10th of what the infamous "Do Nothing" Congress did. You're a better man than that Speaker Boughner. At least I'd like to believe that. Too bad you're afraid of the Tea Party. They are making you look like a sissy.
President Obama has the audacity to be black. "WE ARE NOT RACISTS!" Republicans shout from the money mountaintops. So then, tell me why this is the worst Congress ever? Why have they totally abandoned the American people to wage a war on President Obama? What could be different about this guy? He is maybe the most intelligent President of my lifetime (I started with Eisenhower), he's not overweight, he's not the first Harvard grad, we've had them before.....he's grown the economy by amazing standards in any economists book, he's ended a war, the GNP is doing well, we've added jobs every month of his Presidency save the first 3, unemployment is at about 6% and apparently falling, housing sales and construction are up, upwards of 8 million people who didn't have health insurance before have some form of it now, the stock market is booming, and he and a single Admiral came up with a plan to get Bin Ladin. One can only imagine what could have been accomplished for us if the Congress would have been a constructive partner in bettering America instead of trashing the President.
Sit back for a moment and imagine what the Affordable Care Act might be had Congress set about constructively tweaking it to keep getting it better. What if they would have spent just half the time they spent trying to repeal it on trying to make it better for citizens? Congress that is your job after all.
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