A few days ago, a most horrendous, torturous, inhuman event was video taped and posted online for the civilized world to be sicken by; the murder of James Foley, an American journalist covering the middle-east in Syria. Some English (UK English) speaking terrorist, after forcing Foley to make the statements he'd been fed, committed a horrendous and brutal act upon him.
Intelligence Agencies from around the world already have it narrowed down to about 5 guys this murdering maggot is. But actually he is only a symptom of the problem. The problem is we have a global Nazi party forming. I know the word Nazi is thrown around more inappropriately than any other word we have, but in this case I use it as a metaphor for what is going on in the Mid East.
This Army of Terror is growing in numbers and in strength everyday. New members are flooding in to this grisly group of madmen constantly. Including Americans; one was declared killed in fighting there today.
Over 100 Americans have left America to go and join Isis. And how do they do that? Isis is social network savvy. They have a Facebook page! Twitter! All the rest. There are Germans, French, and English also flowing in. This chills me. And they are recruiting American women. They want blonde American housewives boarding planes with plans to blow it up.
Today President Obama sent out a message: America never forgets, our reach is long, and we will take necessary action. You hear that Isis? Our reach is long. We never forget. We prevailed over Nazis, and by the way, although also evil, they were a lot smarter than you.
Today the President deployed drones for "surveillance". Translation? We want to know when we hit a spot, that you're actually there.
This type of ugly terrorism takes up way too much of the time of our leaders. Think about it. Starting with President George H. W. Bush, our leaders have had to spend an inordinate amount of time dealing with the middle east. And it took a toll on all of them. Our President looked weary dealing with it today.
Our reach is long Isis. This ugliness cannot continue. We are coming.
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