Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Big Swap

So the President's Administration decides to swap 5 captives for an American Sgt. At first one must ask, why? Who knows? I feel there is a back story here that we aren't being let in on yet. Maybe this guy is a secretly embedded intelligence part of the machine. Judging by the looks of his Dad, I doubt it, but who knows?

But what no-one is talking about is the fact that the Obama administration's total of Gitmo detainees released isn't 5. It's 87. Yes, it's happened before.

But here's the thing: The Obama Administration is way behind. The George W. Bush Administration released 532 of them and got nothing in return. At least this administration got a captured Sgt. back!

So if you weren't willing to cry foul and scream bloody murder while the Bush Administration were releasing 532 of the Gitmo supposed, with no proof, illegal hostages, denied legal process guys, then just shut your mouth now.

And here's the other thing. Under the watch of this administration hundreds of top Taliban and Al Quida leaders have been killed. These five detainees, that FOX News has dubbed "five star generals", but in reality were not big shots, will go back to a place where all of their homeboys in the gang have been bumped off. They will have to start getting their street credibility all over again. And as soon as they do, we'll clip them. I predict that in a year or so, these 5 will be dead.

And thanks Obama Administration for sucking FOX News in. They are now on this and off Bengazi. And Eric Cantor loses his Primary? That was truly the first step in Hillary owning the White House. Mr. Cantor was reasonably working on realistic, workable immigration reform. Know what just happened? A lot of brown voters just got pissed off. So there's that.

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