Anybody with half a brain knew that as soon as we left Iraq, it would fall apart and go back to the same old stuff they've been doing for thousands of years. Killing each other over rocks and desert. We left and guess what? TA-DA!! Of course the predictable inevitable is taking place. The rebels are moving in, and are going to take over the capitol. Republican Security Advisor Richard Clarke, who has spent his working life fighting Al-Quida, and the Taliban says even if we'd have in Iraq stayed a thousand years, well maybe. It didn't matter how long we'd stayed. As soon as we were gone, this was going to happen. This year, or 75 years from now.
Two words.
Who Cares?
President George W. Bush has a personal ax to grind and announced 8 months before 9-11 that we were going into Iraq. He and the people around him just couldn't figure out how to sell and unprovoked war to the American people. And then 9-11 happened. Although Iraq had nothing to do with it, somehow the spin artists in Washington at the time somehow kinda sorta made it look like this was a revenge tactic. An astounding number of Americans still think Iraq had something to do with 9 -11. In reality the people manning those planes that day were all Saudi's...but since Saudi Arabia has a lot of oil, well, we guess we can look the other way. This was the equivalent of being attacked by Brazil so we invade Iceland.
But I digress. The news is calling it "The Crisis in Iraq." Crisis? Really? Not so much. What is more or less happening is the the three main factions are coming together and claiming three separate territories. Which they wanted to do before all of the Americans were killed there! Let them! Good idea!
If we had been really smart then, or really smart now, we would go in and actually help them form three separate countries. The conflict might actually resolve itself then. And they'd be three small countries. That might be an advantage for us.
But, the bottom line is, just let them hash it out. I know John McCain want's to bomb everything, but John, give it a rest. You're old, you're tired, and you weren't quite this brave when you were in a POW camp and the other GIs called you "The Songbird" because you totally spilled your guts to the enemy. Let's just let the Iraqi's figure it out for themselves.
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