Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Aftermath of the AfterBash.

I have been concerned that Mr. Trump has a distorted view of what this office means.

I don't gloat when we win and I don't whine when we lose. But damn.

I tried to be gracious. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. Can’t be worse than President Bush 43, I told myself. And then Mr. Trump’s first appointment is a White Supremacist. Who will be his special advisor. This is followed by, his illegally refusing to put his businesses interest into a trust while he’s in office. He’s got a better idea than the law. Then he vows to defund NASA’s research into climate change. He appoints a local girl Betsy DeVos (of the Amway DeVos’) who has made a name for herself locally by trying to dismantle public education for years. Of course she is to be Secretary of Education. And now, that ugly pipeline out west that nobody wants to trip over in their state and has protesters by the thousands, turns out Mr. Trump holds stock and will make money off this pipeline. Can you say conflict of interest? But apparently, now that he’s going to be Prez, laws don’t apply to him anymore.

Thankfully he doesn’t have the muscle in the Senate to do many of the radical things he’s promised to do. But maybe he does.

But let us not despair. Let us instead hunker down and be determined in four years. Bernie will be too old in 8 years but not 4. And if my choice Martin O’Malley is the candidate we are a shoo-in. Let us try and make hope where there is none.

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