And to think, an ordinary Muslim took him down. How ironic.
The statements by Mr. Khan were powerful. The act of pulling out his copy of the Constitution was powerful. The true ‘Wrath of Khan’. But that’s not what really made it mega-huge. It was the fact that Trump felt a need to mix it up in social media about it. And he can’t let it go. He is so juvenile, he has to have the last word. He keeps opening his mouth and stepping on his dick. But he can’t stop. He HAS to get the last word. And he looks more and more foolish. And slowly military groups start to leave, and others who were at least sympathetic are moving away from his camp.
And to endear women even less, he states that if his daughter were being sexually harassed at work she would have the integrity to just quit. This is stupid on so many levels. And tomorrow he will tell veterans in wheelchairs, that his son would just get up and walk.
And today, Trump refused to endorse Paul Ryan and John McCain in their re-election bids. Paul Ryan. Trump would have more trouble from the House than President Obama, OR President H. Clinton. They at least have great respect for him. Did you know that President Obama and Paul Ryan speak on the phone quite a bit as you might imagine. And after the biz talk they compare notes on raising teenage daughters.
Finally today, for the first time ever, a sitting President, (he was standing actually), is asked about Trump by the press, and while standing next to a foreign dignitary, The President decides it’s the time. Stating unequivocally that Trump is not qualified to take over the job. Just couldn’t do the job. The President went on to say that while although he disagreed with John McCain and Mitt Romney on policy, he never thought they weren’t qualified to do the job. But with Trump…. naw, he couldn’t do it. And deep in the hearts of thinking Republicans, they know it’s true. He couldn’t do that job.
I would never be able to imagine Donald Trump in this brotherhood. And that’s what it is. A brotherhood. They all like each other. Because they know the other guys get it. What it means to do the job. And soon they might have to let a girl join the club.
By the way, I have carried a copy of the Constitution on me for the last 6 years. It really ticks Republicans off when you can pull one out and cite something from it that flies in the face of whatever they are asserting. Repubs hate the Constitution. I mean they love it, they just don’t like what is says mostly.
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