Saturday, October 5, 2019

Why Does Trump get Credit for Obama's Economy?

Friday night’s Headline in the GR Press 10/4/19 “Trump’s Economy Gets Credit Where Credit is Due” is misleading. The facts are clear. 

In a comparison between the last 30 months of President Obama’s miracle turnaround, and Mr. Trump’s first 30 months, President Obama’s led in every category. This is President Obama’s economy and although economists said it couldn’t be messed up, Mr. Trump is bent on proving them wrong. Trade Wars, crazy tariffs, and other nonsense, is causing me for one to lose money in the stock market which dropped what? 500 points this week?

President Obama left Mr. Trump the greatest economy any President ever gave the next. And the day Trump took over he instantly got credit for it. 

Never mind that Farmers are in desperate times as their main market, China is disappearing because of a irrational trade war with the US orchestrated by you know who. Miners are still waiting to go back to work, because no matter what lil snot nosed Donnie says other facets of the industry are going greener than coal. It’s a dying job. Sorry miners, but it’s over. Snot nosed has done his best to convince you he cares and you’ll go back to work, but news flash: He lies. 

The scariest parts about this Halloween season is that Snot nose thinks he's doing a great job. And that if he decided to suspend the election, 51% of Republicans would be okay with it. Our Republic is in the most danger since The Civil War. A woman at a town hall recently announced she never thought she'd want a dictator to take over America, but if one did she'd want it to be Donald Trump. 

The only thing snot nose has to do is leave the Obama economy alone and let it keep charging on like a locomotive. But mess with it, with tariffs and trade wars, and tax cuts for your buddies, then who knows? 

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

The Michigan Primary Results.

I haven't posted here in quite a while because it's just been too crazy to make sense of. Trump starts a trade war that will cost Americans their jobs. He trashes a good Iranian deal, that has made the world unsafer and already at the pump the cost of gasoline has gone up a dollar a gallon. He has helped Israel move their capitol to Jerusalem [which I personally agree with] but please understand there are people making plans this very day to make 9-11 look like a walk in the park. We are going to pay for this move and pay big time. And unfortunately after Comrade Trump is gone is when it may happen, so he can gloat that is never happened under his reign. But his move in Israel is going to be answered. Anyhow, I could go on and on, but I want to address Michigan's primary yesterday. 

Don’t you love how the Repubs were touting how well they did? Especially Brian Calley. We created all this and that many jobs and unemployment went down but under Grantholm is was so awful. They never acknowledge that Grantholm had to try and make any sense out of the George W. Bush economy which was a total disaster, While Calley and Snyder had the luxury of the Obama economy. Every time I hear about the job growth and all of it, I end each of his ads with an out loud "Thank You President Obama.” Credit where credits due after all. I think the Snyder Calley guys can best take credit for poisoning the children of Flint and causing permanent brain damage. Thank you Governor Snyder [who sadly never had to have it shoved back up his ass and lose an election]. But Calley was just as responsible. And Schutte is just this side of a right wing madman. His dreams are not about the citizens of Michigan. His main dream is blowing Trump. 

Schutte’s plan is to shove his morality down our throats. He hates Pot, health care, blacks, women’s rights, etc. He’s straight out of 1953, the year he was born. But he’s got Trump. 

So I am going to support Gretchen. She is down to earth and she is a middle class kid. So I will help her how I can. 

Isn’t it funny how Trump just took over the Republican Party? They are all scared shitless of him. So they all fell in line like the gutless sheep they are. But Comrade Trump [I just call him what his best friends call him], is the madman running the asylum. And sadly Russia will do their dirty tricks. 

But the worst part is, the Democrats still don’t get it. They continue to stay wimpy. They still want to play by the rules which to them is bringing a knife to a gunfight. I wish they would just stand up to the bastard. But no, they are so tied up in decorum and being polite that he kicks the shit out of them. If they don’t get angry soon and quit hoping people will listen to logic, the crap we have now will become the new normal. This crap is dangerous. 52% of Congressional Republicans have stated they would support Trump if he wanted to postpone the 2018 elections. When asked about a leader for life, his answer was “Maybe we should try that sometime.” Out of the 10 things Dictators do, he has done or suggested 9 including suggesting military parades. He’s done everything but give himself a military uniform. 

But it's crunch time for Michigan. We have to have Gretchen Whitmer and make sure Debbie Stabenow stay in place. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The First 100

I was keeping a Trump Diary, and a couple weeks ago I misplaced it and I can't find it anywhere. I don't want to believe that some of the Trump minions broke in and stole it but it is mysterious. Maybe I've been watching too much of The Americans.

So to incapsulate, The Republicans have offered a horrible Health Care plan to repeal Obamacare with. But many of the right Republicans could not support it because it did things they have vowed never to do. For instance they have vowed to protect pre-existing conditions, and their bills have tossed that out. So even Republicans couldn't support it. But then Trump blamed it all on the Democrats who didn't support it.

Now it has been very slightly tweaked and offered again, and once again was shot down.

As Trump hit the Hundred day mark, and had accomplished virtually nothing except for his Supreme Court nominee (who got in by McConnell destroying the system permanently), and yet Trump has the audacity to brag that he has had the most productive first 100 ever. Apparently he's never heard of Franklin Roosevelt of Barrack Obama. Anyway, it was maybe the worst 100 days ever.

First off, he declared the the first 100 days was a "ridiculous standard." Very foretelling. He accomplished virtually nothing. And as much as he blames it on Democrats it's also the thinking Republicans.

People care about their health care. Obamacare has it's flaws. Mostly the young and healthy have chosen to take their chances. And when only the old and elderly sign up, the premiums have to go up. If all young people signed up, all of the insurance companies would be in serious competition and the premiums would be incredibly cheap. Trump-Care has learned nothing and is counting on the same things that won't come true.

Today Trump announced that a good shutdown of the government might be a good thing. Wha....? The inexperience glares all over the place.

I wish this was ten days before the midterms. But it's not. We may have to endure this for about 22 more months and maybe the structure of the House will change a little. The Senate too.

I'm going to publish this now that out of sheer fear of the public outcry, the mysterious forces that be, sneak back in and return my Trump Diary.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

The First 100 Days.

I'm keeping a Trump diary and I'm finding is hard to keep up.

Discord in the White House staff. Bannon is bounced from the National Security Committee and threatens to quit, but of course won't.

Last night Trump launched several missiles at Syria. At an airfield. It did no real damage. It did not destroy any chemical weapons. However as usual there is a rally around the flag moment today and after launching a couple bombs is suddenly compared to Reagan. Laughable, but true.

After his first jobs report (after fall from the Obama Administration) Trump announced 'they were all false in the past, but this one's real.' Today and new one came out and it was a dismal failure and huge drop in job creation. So much for all that hooplah.

Trump has gone to his Florida place 6 times since taking office, costing the taxpayers 12 million dollars. He complained about Obama's vacation days (the least in history) but gets away with this by calling them "working weekends." He plays a lot of golf on working weekends. He's down there with China's leader for a day out of the weekend now.

The Republican Health Care went down in flames. VP Pence held and emergency trying hard to sell it but it crashed and burned for a second time. Trumps son-in-law Jerrod went on an overseas trip acting as the Secretary of State while Rex Tillerson has yet to do anything.

The head of the Russian Investigation Committee Senator Nunes, was summoned to the White House late at night and supposedly witnessed some information. Before sharing with the committee, he ran to the President and revealed the information. This showed that he was a President Trumps whipping boy first and the investigation chair second. After days of outcry he finally stepped down as the chair of the committee.

The Gorsuch nomination was stalled by a filibuster in the Senate by the Democrats, but the most evil man in America, Mitch McConnell used the nuclear option changing the vote to only need a 50+ vote majority. 200 years of tradition at the Founding Fathers request down the drain. I hope this haunts them someday. But Gorsuch was confirmed and the Republicans successfully rigged the Court.

And these are just a few of the tidbits from the last few days. Stay tuned friends and buckle up. This is going to be a bumpy ride.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Revelations Since The Election

I have started a "Trump Diary", wherein I am keeping a running noting of the days events surrounding Mr. Trump. And there have been some uncanny things.

I thought, okay he won. I'll just give him the benefit of the doubt. And then his very first appointment was Steve Bannon a white supremacist. Dang.

There are protesters out west who don't want an oil pipeline to trip over, but good luck with that. Trump owns part of the company that wants to run that pipeline. This is so conflict of interest on so many levels.

Apparently this is going to be the Tweet Presidency. He has yet to move to Washington. He may show up Friday for the inauguration. Or maybe he tried to have it moved to New York. But I don't think there was time. They are set up in Washington. Never before have I witnessed a winning candidate who seems reluctant to move to the White House.

He is also not going to give up his Twitter account and use the POTUS account because he likes to brag about his followers.

He has engaged in a war of words with Civil Rights legend John Lewis, and therefore thirty plus Democrats are going to politely sit this inauguration out. Of course the media calls it a "boycott" for dramatic effect.

Mr. Trump has also taken on the Chancellor of Germany, and NATO. This has caused planet unrest because now many of our allies are wondering if we'll really have their back in times of crisis.

And although the Republican mantra regarding the Affordable Care Act was "Repeal and Replace" Mr. Trump now says it's going to be "Repeal and Wait." I guess they are waiting until the pharmaceuticals and HMOs can draft legislation that I am sure will be in our best interest. Because that is how these corporate suits work.

Let's hold on to our ass America. This is going to be a bumpy ride.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Aftermath of the AfterBash.

I have been concerned that Mr. Trump has a distorted view of what this office means.

I don't gloat when we win and I don't whine when we lose. But damn.

I tried to be gracious. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. Can’t be worse than President Bush 43, I told myself. And then Mr. Trump’s first appointment is a White Supremacist. Who will be his special advisor. This is followed by, his illegally refusing to put his businesses interest into a trust while he’s in office. He’s got a better idea than the law. Then he vows to defund NASA’s research into climate change. He appoints a local girl Betsy DeVos (of the Amway DeVos’) who has made a name for herself locally by trying to dismantle public education for years. Of course she is to be Secretary of Education. And now, that ugly pipeline out west that nobody wants to trip over in their state and has protesters by the thousands, turns out Mr. Trump holds stock and will make money off this pipeline. Can you say conflict of interest? But apparently, now that he’s going to be Prez, laws don’t apply to him anymore.

Thankfully he doesn’t have the muscle in the Senate to do many of the radical things he’s promised to do. But maybe he does.

But let us not despair. Let us instead hunker down and be determined in four years. Bernie will be too old in 8 years but not 4. And if my choice Martin O’Malley is the candidate we are a shoo-in. Let us try and make hope where there is none.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Thoughts on the Election

Last Tuesday night was a tough pill to swallow. Not as tough as in 2000, but tough nonetheless. 

But here’s something to consider. Ten months or a year ago Trump was a Democrat. His kids couldn’t even vote for him in the Primaries because they’re registered Democrats. So I say, let’s wait and see how he acts before we start complaining. He may give us lots of reasons to complain, and at that time complain. Maybe I’m deluded in my thinking, but for crying out loud, we got through President George W. Bush (barely, on the brink of depression, it can’t get worse than that), so we’ll find a way to deal with it. We might make it. And perhaps if all these protesters will get vigorously behind the next Democrat and dedicate themselves to them, and cough up the bucks, and make sure it happens for him/her the results might be different next time. 

I don’t understand the protests. Suck it ups Buttercups. I never boast when we win and I never whine when we don’t. It’s just crazy. And I can’t help but wonder, how many of the people in the silly protests didn’t bother to vote? How many were just horrified when Mr. Trump stated if he lost he may protest the outcome? Well, then….sheesh. Get over yourselves. And if you live in America, dummies, like it or not, he is your President. 

The Democrats have to shoulder most of responsibility for this for insisting from the beginning they knew best, and for being patronizing and patting us on the head and being so damn smug and condescending. They insisted who the candidate would be the day after she announced, instead of listening to the electorate, and looking seriously at the Bernie phenom. Bernie wins big in Wisconsin and Hillary never even visited there. Smug. She wouldn’t have come back to Michigan if Trump hadn’t made a play. Some people think Bernie would have won this Presidential election. We will never know. I heard someone on the radio today say that it’s like saying “The Boston Red Sox would have beaten the Cubs in the World Series. We’ll never know, it would have been a different ballgame.” But I truly believe that my candidate, Martin O’Malley would have won in a landslide. He was the most Presidential guy in the entire field of 23 in the beginning. But here’s the irony, although the Republican establishment didn’t like it, they ran their version of Bernie and he won. 

What I think lots of people don’t understand is that the other side has felt just this sad and bitter for the last 8 years, yet they didn’t take to the streets. Like I say, President George W. Bush was a harder pill to swallow than this. He didn’t win, they stole it, and the final Florida numbers confirm it. And then with absolutely no Constitutional authority or anywhere else the 9 people on the Supreme Court get to decide who the next President will be. None of the rest of us. So that was one thing. But Trump won this hands down. So, the sun will continue to come up, the planet will still spin and get warmer, and the 4 or 8 years will pass. They stuck with "their Bernie" and they won. We should take a lesson. 

By the way the Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City, when in the late 70s early 80’s Trump declare he was reinventing casinos (basically he was going to make casinos great again) was boarded up a couple of months ago. 

And when President Obama was elected the second time, Texas made noise about seceding from the country. That’s expected; there are lots of rednecks down there. But now California is making the same noise. And they claim to be somehow smarter. Hey cereal land, (land of fruits, nuts, and flakes), good luck with that. Mexico would own you in two hours. With no military to protect you, because we Americans would begin to instantly withdraw all military bases, university and school funding, Social security benefits, sports franchises (those are American after all), on and on and on. They would collapse in an hour and Mexico would take over in two. In less time if Japan could get there first. 

But you wanna know what decided this? It wasn’t the people that showed up at the polls. It was the people who didn’t. Do you realize that neither of the two candidates got nearly as many votes as Mitt Romney did in the last election? And he was soundly defeated by President Obama. There wasn’t even a Latino swell! White women voted for Trump overwhelmingly! Are you kidding me? It was we lazy ass Democrats, listening to the smug DNC and assuring us that no matter what, we have this - so you don’t have to even bother going to the polls. Further, Michael Moore, our practical homeboy, stated today he’s learned that between 100,000, and 110,000 Michigan voters made selections in every other category on the ballot but left the Presidential section blank, not being able to vote for either one. Add that in with third party voters and there you go. I also heard a statistic from CBS that 8 out of 10 voters were not voting for a candidate, they were voting against one. I know it weighed heavy on their hearts. My wife stood in that booth for the longest time. A really long time. Searching her soul. I have never asked how she voted, I’d prefer not to know, but I have strong suspicions she voted for Hillary. [We are big believers that your vote is your business and your’s only, so we never ask each other, and never put signs in our yard.] It's none of our neighbor’s business who we are voting for. Because someday it might require two signs!

And now there is some introspective trepidation from the other side. Many of the Republican voters are expressing that they just wanted to flip the bird to the Washington establishment, but they never thought he’d actually win. And they seem a little nervous. The on-the-ground military were being interviewed today and they are very nervous. 

Many voted for Trump because “maybe the Country should be run like a business.” What they don’t understand, is that it can’t be run like a business. Imagine you’re the CEO. You call in your number two man in the company and you say I want to do that like this. And that number two man, Mr. Congress, tells you to go screw yourself and walks out. You have no recourse. You can’t fire him. So you call in your number 3 guy in the business and explain that you want to do that like this. And Mr. Supreme Court says, “Kiss my ass.” And walks out and you have no recourse. Heck of a way to run a business. 

I predict Trump’s first move will be to repackage President Obama’s Job’s Bill, basically just give it a new name, and get it passed. Then it will put more people to work and they will all be thinking “Wow, what a great guy that Trump is!” 

I detest how the Republicans have openly moved to rig the Supreme Court. Here’s the deal. In the year of Rowe v Wade, the Court was 5 liberals and 4 conservatives. The final vote was 7-2. And if memory serves the two were a conservative and a liberal. So don’t get your panties in a bunch about the Supreme Court nominee. You never know where that will go. The last conservative Court okayed Gay Marriage. And when President Obama’s recent candidate for the court was up to be confirmed for the Federal Court system, he was voted in unanimously! Both sides love him. The Senate are just are being crybaby asses. Like the protesters on the streets tonight. 

So now we have a Republican House, Senate, President, and most Governorships. But always remember, we hate Russia because they only have one Party running things there. We are so much better, eh?

But what the hell do I know? I was written in for President and for Town Council. I think I’ll find out how to run for Town Council and try that sometime. Seek comfort tonight and hug your loved ones. 

PS. The Second most powerful person in the world is someone that we rarely ever know their name. They are usually virtually a “Co-President.” We need to know who the Chief of Staff is.