Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The First 100

I was keeping a Trump Diary, and a couple weeks ago I misplaced it and I can't find it anywhere. I don't want to believe that some of the Trump minions broke in and stole it but it is mysterious. Maybe I've been watching too much of The Americans.

So to incapsulate, The Republicans have offered a horrible Health Care plan to repeal Obamacare with. But many of the right Republicans could not support it because it did things they have vowed never to do. For instance they have vowed to protect pre-existing conditions, and their bills have tossed that out. So even Republicans couldn't support it. But then Trump blamed it all on the Democrats who didn't support it.

Now it has been very slightly tweaked and offered again, and once again was shot down.

As Trump hit the Hundred day mark, and had accomplished virtually nothing except for his Supreme Court nominee (who got in by McConnell destroying the system permanently), and yet Trump has the audacity to brag that he has had the most productive first 100 ever. Apparently he's never heard of Franklin Roosevelt of Barrack Obama. Anyway, it was maybe the worst 100 days ever.

First off, he declared the the first 100 days was a "ridiculous standard." Very foretelling. He accomplished virtually nothing. And as much as he blames it on Democrats it's also the thinking Republicans.

People care about their health care. Obamacare has it's flaws. Mostly the young and healthy have chosen to take their chances. And when only the old and elderly sign up, the premiums have to go up. If all young people signed up, all of the insurance companies would be in serious competition and the premiums would be incredibly cheap. Trump-Care has learned nothing and is counting on the same things that won't come true.

Today Trump announced that a good shutdown of the government might be a good thing. Wha....? The inexperience glares all over the place.

I wish this was ten days before the midterms. But it's not. We may have to endure this for about 22 more months and maybe the structure of the House will change a little. The Senate too.

I'm going to publish this now that out of sheer fear of the public outcry, the mysterious forces that be, sneak back in and return my Trump Diary.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

The First 100 Days.

I'm keeping a Trump diary and I'm finding is hard to keep up.

Discord in the White House staff. Bannon is bounced from the National Security Committee and threatens to quit, but of course won't.

Last night Trump launched several missiles at Syria. At an airfield. It did no real damage. It did not destroy any chemical weapons. However as usual there is a rally around the flag moment today and after launching a couple bombs is suddenly compared to Reagan. Laughable, but true.

After his first jobs report (after fall from the Obama Administration) Trump announced 'they were all false in the past, but this one's real.' Today and new one came out and it was a dismal failure and huge drop in job creation. So much for all that hooplah.

Trump has gone to his Florida place 6 times since taking office, costing the taxpayers 12 million dollars. He complained about Obama's vacation days (the least in history) but gets away with this by calling them "working weekends." He plays a lot of golf on working weekends. He's down there with China's leader for a day out of the weekend now.

The Republican Health Care went down in flames. VP Pence held and emergency trying hard to sell it but it crashed and burned for a second time. Trumps son-in-law Jerrod went on an overseas trip acting as the Secretary of State while Rex Tillerson has yet to do anything.

The head of the Russian Investigation Committee Senator Nunes, was summoned to the White House late at night and supposedly witnessed some information. Before sharing with the committee, he ran to the President and revealed the information. This showed that he was a President Trumps whipping boy first and the investigation chair second. After days of outcry he finally stepped down as the chair of the committee.

The Gorsuch nomination was stalled by a filibuster in the Senate by the Democrats, but the most evil man in America, Mitch McConnell used the nuclear option changing the vote to only need a 50+ vote majority. 200 years of tradition at the Founding Fathers request down the drain. I hope this haunts them someday. But Gorsuch was confirmed and the Republicans successfully rigged the Court.

And these are just a few of the tidbits from the last few days. Stay tuned friends and buckle up. This is going to be a bumpy ride.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Revelations Since The Election

I have started a "Trump Diary", wherein I am keeping a running noting of the days events surrounding Mr. Trump. And there have been some uncanny things.

I thought, okay he won. I'll just give him the benefit of the doubt. And then his very first appointment was Steve Bannon a white supremacist. Dang.

There are protesters out west who don't want an oil pipeline to trip over, but good luck with that. Trump owns part of the company that wants to run that pipeline. This is so conflict of interest on so many levels.

Apparently this is going to be the Tweet Presidency. He has yet to move to Washington. He may show up Friday for the inauguration. Or maybe he tried to have it moved to New York. But I don't think there was time. They are set up in Washington. Never before have I witnessed a winning candidate who seems reluctant to move to the White House.

He is also not going to give up his Twitter account and use the POTUS account because he likes to brag about his followers.

He has engaged in a war of words with Civil Rights legend John Lewis, and therefore thirty plus Democrats are going to politely sit this inauguration out. Of course the media calls it a "boycott" for dramatic effect.

Mr. Trump has also taken on the Chancellor of Germany, and NATO. This has caused planet unrest because now many of our allies are wondering if we'll really have their back in times of crisis.

And although the Republican mantra regarding the Affordable Care Act was "Repeal and Replace" Mr. Trump now says it's going to be "Repeal and Wait." I guess they are waiting until the pharmaceuticals and HMOs can draft legislation that I am sure will be in our best interest. Because that is how these corporate suits work.

Let's hold on to our ass America. This is going to be a bumpy ride.