Friday, October 28, 2016

The October Surprise.

Well, tonight the Hillary campaign got their October Surprise. The FBI is re-opening their investigation on her unhacked server. Any sensitive material should have been on government servers so that it could be routinely hacked. But I’ll tell you what, I admire how she isn’t giving Colin Powell up. He’s the one that advised her to use her own stuff at home. He said, “we all do it.” But she won’t mention his name, won’t give him up. He basically has told on himself, but not in so many words. But what most people don’t realize, she’s willing to just take the heat. 

And guess what? We don’t get any real answers until after the election! Wow. There’s a surprise. But maybe that’s a blessing. They can’t indict a sitting President, but they can impeach. Then once she’s no longer President indict, I guess. Not sure. But projections are that the Democrats are going to gain enough inroads in both houses that they won’t pull off an Impeachment. But here's the question of the day: Can you indict a sitting President for something they did when they weren't President? But 2 to 1 anyway says the findings are the same, and they’ll just close it declaring they can find no criminal intent. 

Folks are still scratching their heads at the leaked tape several days ago of Trump bragging about groping and exploiting women. People are still wondering was this Donald’s October surprise? Because if it was it was released a little early. Usually about now is when they happen. Ala tonight’s FBI investigation re-opening a closed case. 

For those of you who don't know it, an October surprise is a part of every Presidential campaign. It's a standard feature. This should be taken as just part of the election cycle. 

Perhaps the real Trump October Surprise will come out in the next few days, but if the tape was it, it was good, but the timing sucked. 

But there's always Ted Cruz declaring yesterday that they may refuse to hold hearings on any Clinton nominee to the Supreme Court for 8 years. So our court gets to be broken for 9 years thanks to Constitution haters like Ted Cruz. I guess we are tossing out the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as we watch the Cruz fascist take-over. 

Have a pleasant evening outside the beltway.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Republicans Dump Trump

The ironic thing about watching Trump crash and burn is how he steadfastly denies any responsibility. Because for so long he was given a free pass. He could make outlandish remarks about Latinos being rapists, or banning Muslims, and his fans cried, “Right On!” And I also amazed by his hatred of women in authority, or any women that disagrees with him. He goes after them with a vengeance. And including blaming Hillary for Bill’s indiscretions. (Kind of like Pat Robertson telling women if their husbands cheat, it’s the woman’s fault because she wasn’t being sexy enough for her husband). Hillary didn’t do these indiscretions. And Bill’s not running for President. And if he was he would kick Trump’s ass. 

Can you imagine what the Republicans would be screaming if a Democrat had said those things? Yeah, I know not much. But they would be having a huge fit if the Democratic Candidate’s wife had posed for nude photos for magazines, refused to release his tax records, and claimed to be a great businessman and in the late 70’s opened the John Democrat Taj Mahal that was going to be the ‘new look for Casinos’ (essentially, he was going to make Casinos great again), and then they boarded it up last month. They’d be going nuts. 

Earlier in the week the RNC pulled all it’s funding for Trump, and today Paul Ryan is refusing to campaign for him, and has asked other Republicans to do the same. But you know what? Paul Ryan will still vote for Trump. McCain has said publicly that he won’t vote for either one, but he’ll vote for Trump. That's just how they're cut. But alas, all for naught. 

I’ve said many times, the Republicans can have the Tea Party or they can have the White House but they can’t have both. And even I, a Democrat to my bones, am actually starting to long for the days when the word Republican didn’t equate to buffoon. There was a time when they could engage in reasonable discourse and although one might not agree, at least it was an informed counterpoint. But the Republicans have brought this on themselves and now it has come to this. For the last eight years any wing nut that came down the Pike could just claim to be a Republican and they were allowed to jump on the coat-tails of a party that for around 200 years had established some sort of credibility. Some Tea Party reps have no education. Some have criminal records. Did the party do anything? No. Did they say, “Who says you’re a Republican?” No. Until their numbers were such in Congress that they had the Party by the throat. And could shut the government down. And be such idiots that even John Boehner finally had to throw his hands in the air, and quit. 

And now Trump complains to his muddled masses that the Country is in ‘tatters.’ But let’s consider this: 248 seats in the 440 seats in the House are held by Republicans. 54 seats of the 100 seats in the Senate are Republican. 31 out of 50 Governors are Republican. 70 out of 99 state legislative bodies are Republican. 4 of the 8 Justices in the Supreme Court are Republican. And it was 5 to 4 Republican until the recent death. So, if the country is in tatters, I guess we can see who’s making that happen. 

And so has Trump gets “unshackled” today, by having the Party cut him off, he will continue to sink slowly into the west. Unless the Republicans have something quite spectacular for their "October surprise.” And the recent tape isn’t the Democrats “October surprise.” It’s too early. The “October Surprise” is a standard component of any competent campaign. So we’ll see.