Everytime there is a major shooting event by some crazies in this country, again there is a call for "gun control". Simply put, the general idea is to make it harder for Crazy people to get guns. Now if only crazy people were born with signs on their forehead that say "Crazy Person." But lately, we would also need to have them born with signs on their foreheads that say "Not Crazy Now, But Could Become Crazy Someday." What is all boils down to is that these Government folks are all frustrated that they simply can't legislate away Crazy.
Even with the most stringent background checks the Virginia Tech shooter would have easily passed, as would have the Sandy Hook shooter, and the San Bernadino shooter. And many more. There simply is no background box to check for Crazy, Nuts, Bonkers, or Whacko.
So making noise that is nothing but hot air does nothing but fuel the sale of inflated priced weapons. And I know all the gun folks, and I'm one ardent believers in the second amendment, start crying the same old ridiculous "The President Wants To Take Our Guns!" or "Democrats Want to Take Our Guns!", let me just point out that under no Democrat has anyone ever lost one single gun. Not one. So stop with the hysterical lunacy. The Democrats want to take our guns crap started with the Aaron Sorkin film "An American President", and he keeps it up in "The Newsroom." But he's a misguided bleeding heart that has not thought seriously about this issue.
Calling for background checks or other such measures looks good to some and causes alarm in others. But think about it. The President is "calling for." What does that mean? It means he's calling on Congress. It means it's dead in the water. He knows it, they know it, and yet they get to stand against it. In other words it's a Washington win-win.
The President is actually a proponent of the Second Amendment. One of his Harvard Professors has gone on record as saying that when Barrack Obama was his student he railed against him, since he had doubts about the Second Amendment. Obama made arguments everyday, he said, trying to instill in this Prof, the importance of the Second Amendment. The guy said by the time Obama graduated he still wasn't completely convinced but he had make him change some of his views.
And for all of those that are still crying he said he want's to undermine the Second Amendment (Marco Rubio), here's what he actually said (from The Guardian 1/5/16):
Although I don't have a hold of what Rubio's (how is this name so much more American than Obama?) statement was trying to imply, I think he was needlessly being desperate. That's why the voters sent him home.
"Well, that's not horrible logic. And it is not really too oppressive as some are going to claim. None of us want kids getting a hold of guns. And the whole smart gun technology is already here and has been around for a while."
And let me go on record as saying "smart gun technology" is the most stupid asinine thing I have ever heard of. So if a soldier in combat falls, and the soldier next to him runs out of ammo, no sense picking up the weapon next to you, because your finger print won't let the trigger allow you to fire. Or if my wife and I are enjoying dinner in a restaurant and a crazy shooter comes in shooting and I am hit first, my wife can't then grab my weapon and protect herself? No. Ridiculous.