Tomorrow morning at 10 a.m., on the grounds of the capitol in Charleston, South Carolina, the "Stars and Bars" the battle flag of the Confederacy, is coming down. Once and for all.
This decision made late last night in the South Carolina State legislature was predicated on an incident wherein a deranged young man (who had posted pictures of himself online brandishing this flag) walked in to a black church's Bible study and murdered 9 participants. It became clear that this flag was the symbol of black suppression and represented a commitment to keep black people enslaved.
Some may argue it just represents Southern pride and culture. Is fighting to keep slavery and trying to destroy the United States of America, something to be proud of? I have a hard time with that one.
Should we attempt to pretend like it never happened, try to erase it from history like some opponents have argued? No. That's what they do. This flag belongs in a museum. It is history. And I hope the very flag that comes down tomorrow ends up in a museum somewhere so that I can someday see it. I am a Civil War buff, after all. If it were on display, then we are all free to walk by and feel pride, shame, or disgust.
Tonight a friend of my wife's posted that is seemed funny to her that a Democrat hoisted the flag in 1960 and today a Republican Governor signed the legislation to bring is down forever. She points out that conservatives are being unfairly targeted. She obviously doesn't know much about American history.
In the 1930s Southern Democrats were the staunch Conservatives in the nation. They didn't like Roosevelt's New Deal, but they couldn't argue with the results. It kept many folks voting Democrat which kept them in office. However in the early 60's they fought the Civil Rights legislation tooth and nail. When it passed, most of the white voters in the south started voting Republican, and consequently most of those Democrats became Republican. So the fact that a Democrat hoisted this flag in 1960 doesn't get Conservatives off the hook, and in fact, Republicans either. Of course the Governor is Republican. They are the only ones who can get elected in the south. She happens to be somewhat of a moderate though, and she was ardently for taking that flag down. She was so happy to sign the legislation removing that filthy racist rag, that she used nine different to go to each of the families of the shooting victims.
The representatives of the people of South Carolina made this decision. Not the Federal Government. Although I'm sure there are already factions blaming President Obama.
The fact that the people of South Carolina made this decision is good. And can I say that the people of the south that I have met have been a lot more enlightened than ever given credit for. So perhaps the South will actually rise again, reaching a place of wisdom and caring. Not hanging on to symbols of hatred.
Can you imagine what the world would think if the capitol of Germany flew a Nazi flag and they claimed, "hey it's just pride of our heritage!" Find something else to be proud of folks.