There is a proposal on the ballot in an upcoming election about repairing Michigan's crumbling infrastructure, specifically Michigan's roads. As Republicans in Congress continue to stall and disregard the President's Jobs bill, our country is rusting and crumbling away. But they have to ignore it. He's black after all.
Meanwhile state's are forced to take it on themselves. Even for Federal Highways like U.S. 131. Yes, the roads and bridges are in disrepair. And yes, they need to be fixed.
But the Michigan Legislature refuses to do it's job. They are so ineffectual they can't figure out how to fix our roads, since they've slashed the budget to the bone. Meanwhile giving themselves raises.
So what can they do? They've stopped poor kids from getting a decent lunch, and rich people from paying taxes, and the elderly from being able to get medicine, so hey, they're serving the people. But they fact is, they know that the roads and bridges need to be fixed. And they are so worried they might have to make some tough decisions, work together, compromise, and actually do their jobs, that they have come up with an inspired plan: Let's put it on the voters! Let them raise the taxes on themselves! So conveniently we can always campaign on "We have never raised taxes."
Then they get the Proposal on the ballot and fill the airwaves with ads about cute little kids on school buses who obviously will be put more in harm's way than our troops if we don't agree to raise taxes on ourselves. And then the ads have the audacity to have an actress say, "And if I have to pay a penny more, so be it."
Folks, it ain't gonna be "a penny." It is going to be a a substantial rate hike at the gas pump. 30 to 40 cents a gallon. That's not bad when the price of gas is $2.18 like it is in Greenville right now, but it will hurt a lot more when the price goes back to $4.00.
You want $5.00/gallon gas? Then vote yes for this ridiculous Proposal. I will say now what I have always said, as if it were a mantra: Never vote to raise taxes on yourself.
Vote no on Proposal 1. Make the legislature do it's job. Make the Republican members learn how to govern. Make them learn how to make deals, and understand that compromise means everybody gets something, but not everything they want. We as taxpayers have already put the money there. Make them learn how to use it more effectively.
Vote NO on Proposal 1. Make the elected Republican officials in our legislature do their jobs. It's time they started earning their overpaid keep.