Well, Governor Christie of New Jersey has made what I believe is an error. He hired a public relations firm to put together a "study" to convince everyone he had no knowledge of the recent lane closure on the George Washington bridge - an apparent retaliation to a mayor who didn't support him in the last election. The lane closures kept traffic snarled for hours, and allegedly an ambulance was stalled and it cost someone their life. But Governor, methinks thou doest protest too much.
Hiring a PR firm to do your bidding and compile "evidence" to prove you're innocent? This reeks of guilt. Stop. It's better to let everyone speculate. Most of America was never caught in the mess trying to get into New York. Keep that in mind. And the American people have a memory shorter than a fat baby's dick. Just keep your mouth shut and move on. This only proved to me that you were in on this. And I feared they were only doing a Benghazi on you.
What do I mean by that? The way that FOX News continues to make a "story" out of the Benghazi attacks on our consulate (when it is long forgotten on everywhere else) as a pre-emptive attack on Hillary Clinton. I was thinking maybe this was reciprocal. But now.....C'mon Chris.
I certainly think it is a strong possibility, as I predicted a year ago, that Christie will face off against Hillary Clinton in 2016 for the Presidency. In the past I have predicted that Christie will win by a nose (Republicans always get back in again after Democrats have fixed the economy for them - usually a mess Republicans made), but now I'm not so sure.
Christie enjoys the reputation of being a moderate, although actually he's far from it. But his recent actions of going on and on about the Bridge scandal, makes me think this is simply a Republican ploy to keep his name continually in the headlines. Like the "debate-every-week" thing the Republicans did last election cycle to keep their names front and center. I truly hope the Democrats do the same thing this time.
Let's just see what transpires in the next few months. Christie might still be a tough sell to some of my Right Wing Republican buddies who are still angry that Christie didn't spit on the President of the United States when they went together to look at Hurricane Sandy damage.
Chris.....methinks thou doest protest too much.