Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Upcoming Debates

Watch for Republicans to be ecstatic this week on Thursday morning after Wednesday nights first Presidential debate. Romney will move up a few points in the polls.  It always happens. If he doesn't move much at all, or falls back to current levels in a week, put it fork in this one. It's done. But I suspect he will get a slight boost.

Romney has had a lot of practice all spring and summer. Each week the Republicans staged a fake debate in order to keep their names all over the media and to be the talk of the airwaves. As soon as it started to die out, there was another one. CNN, a Fox News wannabe, dedicated roughly four hours of analysis the next day after each debate. Funny, the radical fringe wasn't complaining about the mainstream media then. While their faces are plastered all over NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, etc., they are content with the media. However, if there is a fraction of a second dedicated to the President, they cry foul. And it seems to me the media is listening.

Romney tends to gaff big time when he goes off sound byte, so that could happen. My big concern is with the President. And my concern is at three levels. First, he always assumes the public is smarter than they are. He acts as though, "of course, no one really believes that hog wash." But they do, Mr. President. He needs to attack their false claims head on. Secondly, he is too modest about his accomplishments. He needs to overcome his modesty and blow his own horn. And make it heard coast to coast. Lastly, he needs to stay on point and not ramble which he has an occasional tendency to do.

But I'll bet you ten thousand Obama drives the final nail in the Romney campaign Wednesday night.

Friday, September 28, 2012

the News

I have said more than once: "FoxNews is to political commentary what the WWE is to sports. It might be fun, it might be interesting, but you ain't supposed to take it seriously."

NBC: A Woman was hit by a car.

NPR: A Woman was hit by a car leaving behind 3 children.

FOX: Obama kills woman.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


FOX-News was actually complaining today that the "mainstream media" (aka anyone who isn't a purveyor  of right wing fanatical Republican propaganda) are doing more than ever to get Obama re-elected. Seriously? This is the "mainstream media"'s most blatant Republican love fest I ever remember. This morning on Good Morning America" they started with the fact that the President is pulling further ahead in battleground state polling and then quickly switch to 4 minutes on following Romney.

My wife says, "But they do that for every challenger. They did it last time for Obama." Last time both Obama and McCain were challengers. It was a lot more balanced.

Finally CBS did a "60 Minutes" segment with the President. But everything else has been all Romney. It is so despicable.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Shape We're In

If Paul Ryan cared as much about being in shape mentally as he is physically, he'd be a Democrat.

Friday, September 7, 2012

There Is No Liberal Media.

There are many great myths in America. The Big 10 play the best football in the nation. Labor Unions, not corporate greed, have ruined business.  Social Security is an "entitlement." But perhaps the greatest of all is that there is a "liberal media."

Ronald Reagan somehow made the word "liberal" a dirty word. Liberals now have even taken to reverting to the word "progressive" to distance themselves from the term "liberal." Even though liberals are the only ones that have ever accomplished any forward movement in this country.

Anytime any reporter or agency reports a fact that puts conservatives in a poor light their knee-jerk reaction is to start shouting "liberal media" thereby attempting to attack the credibility of the reporter or agency. When mainstream media reports something favorable for conservatives there is a deafening silence.

If anything, the media should be labeled "the right wing media" or at least "the conservative media." First and foremost, there is the Republican propaganda machine pounding out Democrat hatred 24/7. It's called FOX news. Progressives have no equivalent.

The radio and TV dials are clogged with Limbaugh, Hannity, Matthews, Glenn Beck, O'Reilly, on and on. Some liberal media, huh? There's not a single liberal voice on the dial. These guys are free to do whatever they want, like label women that don't agree with them as "whore". And apparently that's okay. At least they are not the dreaded "liberal media."

Here's a case in point. ABC's "Good Morning America" during the Republican National Convention was a virtual love fest with Romney, Ryan, and all the other speakers. Clips of speeches, stories about the convention, personal stories of delegates etc. Every day. This week it was supposed to be the Democrat's turn. Or it would seem. Tuesday morning GMA played a one second sound byte of Joe Biden and then there was roughly a 4 minute plus "rebuttal" by Paul Ryan. Really? There had been no Biden rebuttals the week before! The following day there were actually a few clips of highlights of Michelle Obama's speech. But the whole time, there was a ribbon at the bottom of the screen proclaiming "Obama slipping in the polls." Coincidence? By the way, today Obama is back up in the polls. But ABC failed to report that.

NPR - the supposed bastion of liberalism (so labeled by people who've never listened to it), last Friday from 5:00 pm until 7:00 pm were in a total love fest with Romney following the convention. Tonight from 5:00 - 7:00 pm, after the Democrats convention it was all about a new terrorist group that has been added to our "black-list." And this is following one of the most moving speeches in recent history that occurred only hours before.

And here's another thing: the media are doing their darndest to establish a form of "race warfare." During the Republican Convention every time any of the News outlets showed faces in the crowd, they were always white. Real white. Every time during the Democratic Convention they showed people in the crowd, they always showed black people. Even though most of the convention center was filled with white people, we saw only the black. The media is trying to send a clear message: this is white vs. black.

A recent TIME magazine's cover was a thoughtful pose of photogenic Romney. NEWSWEEK had the President on it's cover, with the big title: Obama, it's time to go. Or some such derogatory thing. So if you happen to be pro-Obama, where are you going to get your inspiration for the week?

Don't be fooled by the myth of "liberal media." It does not exist and hasn't since Air America left the airwaves. I suppose they didn't show the proper amount of hatred for the middle class to sustain themselves.

This week NBC's Meet The Press will be devoted entirely to Mitt Romney. ABC's This Morning will be entirely devoted to Paul Ryan. Will these show dedicate a whole show to President Obama or Joe Biden? Nope.